Had a great time at #OLCAccelerate this week and am equally happy and exhausted. Getting to see old friends again was the social battery recharge I needed, and the discussions on #onlinelearning and #highered #research were thoroughly energizing. Thanks again to @josieahlquist for the nostalgic keynote! Will be looking forward to seeing more #OLC community end up tooting instead of tweeting.
#olcaccelerate #onlinelearning #highered #research #OLC
Clarity, Confusion on ‘Regular and Substantive Interaction’ (RSI)
RSI is a new regulation issued in reaction to online "correspondence courses" in which there were little or no faculty-student or student-student interactions. #OSCQR's site and diagram is helpful for understanding #RSI regulations: https://oscqr.suny.edu/rsi/
#OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #OLCAccelerate
#oscqr #rsi #onlinelearning #onlineteaching #olcaccelerate
Instructional Design Summit - Part 3: Designing Learning Experiences At Scale Using Design Patterns Dr. Kiran Budhrani @kiranbudhrani@twitter.com from the
@unccharlotte@twitter.com https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/olc-accelerate-2022-session-page/?session=11814&kwds= #OLCaccelerate
Five Dimensions of Open and #CulturallyResponsive Teaching: An Evidence-based Framework to Create Equitable Instruction | Featured Session | Asia 4 #OLCAccelerate #Equity https://achievingthedream.sharepoint.com/sites/teachingandlearning/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Fteachingandlearning%2FShared%20Documents%2FGeneral%2FEvents%2FOLC%20Accelerate%20Conference%2FFive%20Dimensions%20%2D%20OLC%20Accelerate%2FShared%20Folder&p=true&ga=1
#equity #olcaccelerate #culturallyresponsive
RT @JasonRhode@twitter.com
Digital Badges to Promote Improving Accessibility of Digital Course Materials and Being a Champion for #Accessibility http://go.niu.edu/blackboard-ally-badges #OLCAccelerate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JasonRhode/status/1593209464936488960
RT @tbcavanagh@twitter.com
@OLCToday@twitter.com board vice chair @pdmoskal@twitter.com addressing the crowd prior to the #OLCAccelerate Lightning Talks! @UCFDigitalLearn@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tbcavanagh/status/1593236871064485890
Three tools to evaluate, remediate, and determine the efficacy of #equity practices | Featured Session | Asia 4
via @EveryLearnerNet@twitter.com Patricia O'Sullivan
Project Coordinator - Academic Innovation at Every Learner Everywhere Network https://olc-conferences-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/slides/OLC%20Innovate%20Equity%20Tools%20presentation.pptx.pdf #OLCAccelerate
#OLCAccelerate Selfies with #Friends!! @angelagunder@twitter.com @E_Fredericksen@twitter.com @ericfredericksen @nwebs@twitter.com @pdmoskal@twitter.com
#Research Remix: An Interactive Case Study on Faculty Perspectives of #OnlineTeaching & Learning | Summit with @E_Fredericksen@twitter.com & @angelagunder@twitter.com #OLCAccelerate http://bit.ly/ac22research
#olcaccelerate #onlineteaching #research
RT @clarkshahnelson@twitter.com
Some helpful resources from UMD on course design sprints! https://go.umd.edu/DS_OLC22 #OLCaccelerate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/clarkshahnelson/status/1592953085571530753
Connecting w/ Instructors for #Inclusive #OnlineCourses via Melody Buckner #Leadership #OLCAccelerate https://youtu.be/VVWG0b2BbY4 CAN'T BUY ME LOVE - School Dance African Ant Eater Ritual Scene - Patrick Dempsey If you build it they will come #FacultyLearningCommunity #OneThing
#onething #facultylearningcommunity #olcaccelerate #leadership #onlinecourses #inclusive
More folks here from #POD22Online / #POD22 or #olcaccelerate?
#olcaccelerate #POD22 #POD22Online
Connecting w/ Instructors for #Inclusive #OnlineCourses via Melody Buckner https://youtu.be/hO8MwBZl-Vc #Leadership From A Dancing Guy #FacultyLearningCommunity #OneThing #OLCAccelerate
#olcaccelerate #onething #facultylearningcommunity #leadership #onlinecourses #inclusive
Connecting w/ Instructors for #Inclusive #OnlineCourses via Melody Buckner Find faculty champions, document #impact & have them promote the practice/effort. Create #community no matter how small around the effort. Start with one thing. #FacultyLearningCommunity #OLCAccelerate
#olcaccelerate #facultylearningcommunity #community #impact #onlinecourses #inclusive
RT @AnitaSamuel28@twitter.com
#DistanceEducation is beyond technology and faculty support. It's an ecosystem of student support, policies, planning, course design, evaluation, marketing & promotion. Leaders need to take this broader view. @OLCToday@twitter.com #olcaccelerate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnitaSamuel28/status/1592246631990431746
#olcaccelerate #DistanceEducation
Some helpful resources from UMD on course design sprints! https://go.umd.edu/DS_OLC22 #OLCaccelerate
Research Summit - Part 1: Research Remix: An Interactive Case Study on Faculty Perspectives of Online Teaching and Learning | Summit | Southern Hemisphere III with @E_Fredericksen@twitter.com (Coach Fredericksen) and @angelagunder@twitter.com #OLCAccelerate http://bit.ly/ac22research
#BlendedLearning Strategy & Practice
#OLCAccelerate #Keynote José Antonio Bowen
Communication Invitation: Tone, Title, Why, Location, & Expectations matter #OLCAccelerate
Learners want Structure and Flexibility
#keynote #olcaccelerate #blendedlearning
Great presentation by @ryanstraight at #olcaccelerate on using R to programmatically construct learning materials from markdown files!
Congratulations Dr. Mara Huber @marabhuber@twitter.com & Christina Heath @cheath315@twitter.com !! #OLCAccelerate award recognizing the @UBuffalo@twitter.com #ExperientialLearning Project Portal & digital badge system. https://buffalo.edu/eln/students/project-portal.html #VirtualInternship #badging
#badging #virtualinternship #experientiallearning #olcaccelerate