"May I touch the ChronoCursor?"
Nycolaus de Lyra, Postilla super libros Iosue, Iudicum, Ruth, Esdrae, Iob, 1401
#ecodices #oldBooks #iiifbooks
Illustrations of wildflowers by Ellis Rowan. Source: Alice Lounsberry, _A Guide to the Wild Flowers_ (New York, 1899), Internet Archive, https://archive.org/details/guidewild00loun
#WildFlowers #OldBooks #OldIllustrations #Art #NaturalHistory #HistoricalImages (2/2)
#wildflowers #oldBooks #oldillustrations #art #naturalhistory #historicalimages
#Astronomy #oldbooks https://mprove.de/chrono?q=53.44252,9.99707&z=8.86&m=IF2026466-60&d=1&s=1&iiif-content=https://collections.library.yale.edu/manifests/2026466&c=h,a
/by Leonardo Dati 1408-1472
@stancarey i love archive.org❣️ #oldBooks #vintagebooks #readoldbooks
#oldBooks #vintagebooks #readoldbooks
I'm not sure what to do with this 1st edition copy of East of Eden I appear to own. On one hand, 1st editions of classics are cool. On the other hand, I despise Steinbeck. (Although maybe I'd like him more as an adult? I haven't actually read him since age 17, but I was very much of the opinion "Why read this 'edgy' white dude's stuff when Maya Angelou is RIGHT THERE?")
It's not in great shape and doesn't seem to be particularly rare as these things go.
#classics #steinbeck #oldBooks #books
This may surprise you, but I was in Powell's Books not long ago. While there, perusing the natural history section, I happened upon an old volume that had clearly experienced a fair bit of physical trauma during its century and a quarter existence. However given the signifigance of its contents, partiularly chapter 3, I felt it deserved a good home, so I bought it and it is now safely in my library.
#bookstodon #oldBooks #naturalhistory #huxley #essays
Global News BC: Penticton, B.C. book recycling pilot project ‘successful’ so far https://globalnews.ca/news/9654623/penticton-bc-book-recycling-pilot-project/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PentictonPublicLibrary #PlanetEarthRecycling #BookRecycling #recycledbooks #southokanagan #DamagedBooks #Environment #WestKelowna #penticton #recyclebc #Recycling #OldBooks #Books
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pentictonpubliclibrary #planetearthrecycling #bookrecycling #recycledbooks #southokanagan #damagedbooks #environment #WestKelowna #penticton #recyclebc #recycling #oldBooks #books
This book has been making the rounds on the interwebs and I just thought I’d share my experience. As a kid in the 90’s by the time I found this book in the library it was totally destroyed. I remember the librarian just shrugged - like see…you kids are awful. It wasn’t until years later that I saw a copy that wasn’t ripped to shreds and fell instantly in love. There are pop up books. And then there are POP UP BOOOOKS!
#RetroComputing #RetroComputers #OldBooks
#retrocomputing #retrocomputers #oldBooks
Time for the spring cleaning!
Oils on canvas panel, 30x30 cm
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt #ArtBooster #art #scene #OilPainting #OilOnCanvas #dusting #cleaning #redhead #shelves #library #OldBooks
#MastoArt #mastodonart #fediart #artbooster #art #scene #oilpainting #OilOnCanvas #dusting #cleaning #redhead #shelves #library #oldBooks
My other project Old School Reading Books https://schoolreading70sbooks.weebly.com/ a chance to remember all your old #Schoolbooks from the 50's 60's 70's and 80's . It's been going for long time now, still gets updated quite a lot and still keeps me busy! #vintagebooks #oldbooks
#schoolbooks #vintagebooks #oldBooks
Book Detective
"There's a growing band of people digging through library stacks and second-hand bookshops in search of lost classics. I'm one of them."
Wobbuffet posted Lucy Scholes' article "Meet the archive moles" about editors surfacing worthy forgotten or overlooked books for reprint, with links to houses publishing recovered works.
#books #reading #publishing #classics #lost #editors #reprints #forgotten #LostBooks #ForgottenBooks #RecoveredBooks #OldBooks #vintage #stacks
#books #reading #publishing #classics #lost #editors #reprints #forgotten #lostbooks #forgottenbooks #recoveredbooks #oldBooks #vintage #stacks
:-) Neuer Kurzfilm: https://youtube.com/shorts/JV1oQBZwh2k
Old Book - Altes Buch - Deutsche Jugend - ein Buch für die Jugend im Sudetenland
Der Kurzfilm zeigt das Buch "Deutsche Jugend".
Es ist ein Buch, das für die deutschsprachige Jugend in der Tschechoslowakei der 30 er Jahre im Sudetenland publiziert wurde.
#Buch #Bücher #Jugendbuch #altesBuch #oldbook #1930 #Büchersammeln #Sudetenland #knihy #oldbooks #collectingbooks #Historika
#Historika #collectingbooks #oldBooks #knihy #Sudetenland #buchersammeln #oldbook #AltesBuch #jugendbuch #bucher #buch
:-) Neuer Kurzfilm: https://youtube.com/shorts/iOpX_WRvco8
Old Books - Alte Bücher zum Sammeln und Entspannen
Der Kurzfilm zeigt alte #Bücher zum Sammeln und Entspannen.
#Büchersammeln #alteBücher #oldbooks #Bücher #Buch #book #books
#books #book #buch #oldBooks #altebucher #buchersammeln #bucher
:-) Neuer #Kurzfilm online: https://youtube.com/shorts/PRlaEw62oz4
Altes Buch "Historia Regni Hungariae" aus dem Jahr 1749
Der Kurzfilm zeigt ein altes Buch mit dem Titel "Historia Regni Hungariae" aus dem Jahr 1749.
Das Buch handelt als 3. Band der Geschichte Ungarns von der Geschichte dieses Landes des 17. Jahrhunderts.
#Buch #books #alteBücher #Büchersammeln #Buchsammler #oldbooks #Geschichte #Ungarn #17.Jahrhundert #Historia #HistoriaRegniHungariae #Jesuiten #1749
#jesuiten #historiaregnihungariae #historia #ungarn #geschichte #oldBooks #buchsammler #buchersammeln #altebucher #books #buch #kurzfilm
I enjoy finding #OldBooks, such as this 1935 publication entitled, TREASURE CHEST OF COWBOY SONGS. Still in good condition.
#ThrowBackThursday #SecondhandBooks #BookToot #books #bookstodon
#oldBooks #throwbackthursday #secondhandbooks #BookToot #books #bookstodon
' What to do with old books is a quandary that collectors, no matter what age, eventually face — or leave to their heirs who, truly, do not want the bulk of them. Old volumes are a problem for older Americans downsizing or facing mortality, with their reading life coming to a close.... They’re a backache every time a collector moves. They’re a headache when collectors want to sell their homes: old stuff, the bane of any listing. '
#books #OldBooks #TooManyBooks
#toomanybooks #oldBooks #books
Charlottesville: Any suggestions for where one can sell old books, including a Webster's dictionary (1877) and three bibles (all 1800s).
#cville #charlottesville #OldBooks #1800s #AntiqueBooks #AntiqueBible #AntiqueDictionary #WebstersDictionary
#cville #charlottesville #oldBooks #1800s #antiquebooks #antiquebible #antiquedictionary #webstersdictionary