Sold this years ago, but wanted to share this cute illustration. The Magic Spectacles written by Lilian Moore and illustrated by Arnold Lobel. Copyright 1965 by Parents' Magazine Press. #owl #cute #oldbook #illustrations
#owl #cute #oldbook #illustrations
Reflections and salsify
#silentsunday #photography #stilllife #sultry #seedpod #oldbook #salsify #flowers
#silentsunday #photography #stilllife #sultry #seedpod #oldbook #salsify #Flowers
My dear linguists, I love old #books and just yesterday one of them reached me. Can you help me decipher the dedication, as my English is unfortunately not Shakespearean? Inside, I found a scout card from 1912 and a four-leaf clover, age unknown. I wonder if it brought luck to the owner?
#bookstodon #book #Shakespeare #oldbook
#oldbook #shakespeare #book #bookstodon #books
Neuer Kurzfilm:
Altes Buch: Goldene Bibliothek der Bildung und des Wissens
Der Kurzfilm zeigt ein altes Buch mit dem Titel Goldene Bibliothek der Bildung und des Wissens mit zahlreichen interessanten Illustrationen.
Mehr ĂŒber BĂŒcher sammeln:
#altesBuch #BĂŒchersammeln #sammeln #Sammler #Wissen #Lithografien #Bildung #alteDrucke #oldbook #collectingbooks #collecting #collector #knowledge #lithography #education #oldprints
#oldprints #education #lithography #knowledge #collector #collecting #collectingbooks #oldbook #AlteDrucke #bildung #lithografien #wissen #sammler #sammeln #buchersammeln #AltesBuch
Neuer Kurzfilm:
Altes Buch - Der Aufstieg der niederlÀndischen Republik
Der Kurzfilm stellt ein altes Buch mit interessanten Bildern mit dem Titel "Der Aufstieg der niederlÀndischen Republik" vor.
Mehr ĂŒber BĂŒcher sammeln:
#DerAufstiegderniederlĂ€ndischenRepublik #altesBuch #BĂŒchersammeln #Sammler #sammeln #Niederlande #GeschichtederNiederlande #TheRiseoftheDutchRepublic #oldbook #bookscollecting #collector #collecting #Netherlands
#netherlands #collecting #collector #bookscollecting #oldbook #theriseofthedutchrepublic #geschichtederniederlande #niederlande #sammeln #sammler #buchersammeln #AltesBuch #deraufstiegderniederlandischenrepublik
Updating the Baptism Register at #Job2 It dates from 1952 and smells amazing! #OldBook #Ink #OldBookSmell #TellMeImNotWeird
#job2 #oldbook #ink #oldbooksmell #tellmeimnotweird
When I am not making brand new notebooks I enjoy fixing old books. This was a ÂŁ1.50 broken book from a charity shop that I decided to give a new lease of life to for my son! Absolutely loved doing this.
I recorded videos of most of the steps - apart from little bits there my head got in the way of the camera! They are over on my TikTok account.
#bookrepair #bookbinding #oldbook #CharityShopFinds #books #marvel
#marvel #books #charityshopfinds #oldbook #bookbinding #bookrepair
old books are fun #antiquarianbooks #oldbook #irish #folklore #lore #collection #german
#antiquarianbooks #oldbook #irish #folklore #lore #COLLECTION #german
:-) Neuer Kurzfilm:
Old Book - Altes Buch - Deutsche Jugend - ein Buch fĂŒr die Jugend im Sudetenland
Der Kurzfilm zeigt das Buch "Deutsche Jugend".
Es ist ein Buch, das fĂŒr die deutschsprachige Jugend in der Tschechoslowakei der 30 er Jahre im Sudetenland publiziert wurde.
#Buch #BĂŒcher #Jugendbuch #altesBuch #oldbook #1930 #BĂŒchersammeln #Sudetenland #knihy #oldbooks #collectingbooks #Historika
#Historika #collectingbooks #oldBooks #knihy #Sudetenland #buchersammeln #oldbook #AltesBuch #jugendbuch #bucher #buch
One of the old school books my grandfather used over 100 years ago. The book itself is the 1902 edition.
He attended a small, one room school not far from where I grew up. The building was later relocated across town, and today is maintained as part of somebody's house. #OldBook #QuincyWordList
I have a happy!
I spotted this in Vinnies (Saint Vincent de Paul charity second-hand store) and just had to pick it up. 1949 Websterâs New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged.
AUD$70 of pure joy. Itâs in amazing condition - a few folded pages, light foxing, a little wear on the cover, but as my hubby commented, price per kilogram of book is quite reasonable đ„°
#NewBook #OldBook #Webster #Dictionary #happiness
#newbook #oldbook #webster #dictionary #happiness
I have a happy!
I spotted this in Vinnies (Saint Vincent de Paul charity second-hand store) and just had to pick it up. 1949 Websterâs New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged.
AUD$70 of pure joy. Itâs in amazing condition - a few folded pages, light foxing, a little wear on the cover, but as my hubby commented, price per kilogram of book is quite reasonable đ„°
#NewBook #OldBook #Webster #Dictionary #happiness
#newbook #oldbook #webster #dictionary #happiness
I have a happy!
I spotted this in Vinnies (Saint Vincent de Paul charity second-hand store) and just had to pick it up. 1949 Websterâs New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged.
AUD$70 of pure joy. Itâs in amazing condition - a few folded pages, light foxing, a little wear on the cover, but as my hubby commented, price per kilogram of book is quite reasonable đ„°
#NewBook #OldBook #Webster #Dictionary #happiness
#newbook #oldbook #webster #dictionary #happiness
#Bookmail đ
I bought this old book from 1928 entirely because it was called "Ladies in Hades" & had some spiffy illustrations đ
Here are some of them- hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
#OldBook #AntiqueBooks #Hades #Hell #Satan #StylisedArt #StylizedArt #retro #RetroIllustration #bibliophile #BookLover #OldArt #LadiesInHades
#bookmail #oldbook #antiquebooks #hades #hell #satan #stylisedart #stylizedart #retro #retroillustration #bibliophile #booklover #oldart #ladiesinhades