This bottle dates from some point prior to the takeover of the Scottish Cooperative Society by its English counterpart in the early 1970s, and was the type of milk bottle which was, at one time, provided to every child each day in primary school.
#glasgow #glasgowhistory #pastglasgow #scottishcooperativewholesalessociety #oldbottles #oldglassware #forthandclydecanal #maryhill #milkbottles #depositscheme
#depositscheme #milkbottles #Maryhill #ForthAndClydeCanal #oldglassware #oldbottles #scottishcooperativewholesalessociety #pastglasgow #glasgowhistory #glasgow
A Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society 1/4 pint glass milk bottle found today alongside the Forth and Clyde Canal in Maryhill. It is embossed with the text 'The Property of SCWS Loaned on Deposit'.
#glasgow #glasgowhistory #pastglasgow #scottishcooperativewholesalessociety #oldbottles #oldglassware #forthandclydecanal #maryhill #milkbottles #depositscheme
#depositscheme #milkbottles #Maryhill #ForthAndClydeCanal #oldglassware #oldbottles #scottishcooperativewholesalessociety #pastglasgow #glasgowhistory #glasgow
#Glycothymoline #OldBottles #Dammit
Well, crap. This glass bottle has been on my windowsill for over 30 years. It came from my grandfather's house (it was in a box of old bottles and things, most long gone.) It would have had a cork in it, so not sure it's age, but the product, Glyco-thymoline is an astringent used as a mouth rinse, nasal rinse, douche, minor irritations, etc., in use since 1890's.
And now I've broken it. Dammit!
#glycothymoline #oldbottles #dammit