Carol Chen · @cybette
755 followers · 3623 posts · Server

Week 3.

The series features an incompetent inspector Clouseau, so this White Penguin series gets me as the inept player 🤪

(also an incompetent videographer - didn't think the sun's glare would totally wash out Fuzzbutt the penguin until too late)

#oldcarolnewtricks #pinkpanther #clarinet #shotonzenfone6

Last updated 5 years ago

Carol Chen · @cybette
755 followers · 3623 posts · Server

Let me entertain you with The Entertainer! Or rather my embarrassing beginner's rendition... Might not be a good idea to use the RODE mic after all as it picks up all the details of my laboured breathing and bad playing 😳

#shotonzenfone6 #oldcarolnewtricks

Last updated 5 years ago