A young man asked his grandfather,
"Grandpa, how did you live in the past without technology . . .
without computers
without drones
without bitcoins
without Internet connection
without TVs
without air conditioners
without cars
without mobile phones?"
Grandpa answered:
"Just as your generation lives today . . .
no prayers,
no compassion,
no respect,
no GMRC,
no real education,
poor personality,
there is no human kindness,
there is no shame,
there is no modesty,
there is no honesty.
We, the people born between the years 1930-1980, were the blessed ones. Our lives are a living proof."
Ā¶ While playing and riding a bike, we have never worn a helmet.
Ā¶ after school we did our homework ourselves and we always played in meadows until sunset
Ā¶ We played with real friends, not virtual friends.
Ā¶ If we were thirsty, we would drink frim the fountain, from the waterfalls, faucet water, not mineral water.
Ā¶ We never worried and get sick even as we shared the same cup or plate with our friends.
Ā¶ We never gained weight by eating bread and pasta every day.
Ā¶ Nothing happened to our feet despite walking barefoot.
Ā¶ We never used food supplements to stay healthy.
Ā¶ We used to make our own toys and play with them.
Ā¶ Our parents were not rich. They gave us love, not material gifts.
Ā¶ We never had a cell phone, DVD, PSP, game console, Xbox, video games, PC, laptop, internet chat . . . but we had true friends.
Ā¶ We visited our friends without being invited and shared and enjoyed the food with their family.
Parents lived nearby to take advantage of family time.
Ā¶ We may have had black and white photos, but you can find colorful memories in these photos.
Ā¶ We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation that listened to their parents.
And we are also the first ones who were forced to listen to their children.~
We are limited edition.
Take advantage of us. Learn from us. We are a treasure destined to disappear soon.

#generation #olddays

Last updated 1 year ago

Monissa · @monissa
17 followers · 36 posts · Server aus.social

Launceston, intersection of Paterson & Charles Streets.

The building on the right (Atcherley & Dawson, tea merchants) is now the site of the blood bank. In earlier days, the Royal Mail Hotel was there.

To the left is the National Hotel hotel, now a car park.

Behind the photographer, to the right, is now the old National Theatre Building but at this time was probably still the former Plough Inn building.

And to the left, a shop but in the 1850s it was the Gold Digger's Return hotel.

That's a hotel on every corner. There was also the White Horse two doors down from the National, the Star (now Star Bar) up to the left and the Royal Tasman back down Paterson St (now a car park) .

Postcard, c.1910 caption "Patterson Street, Launceston", no publisher details

#launceston #olddays #notlikethatnow #postcards

Last updated 1 year ago

Aaron · @wiredprairie
20 followers · 131 posts · Server mastodon.social

How many people remember being the TV audio restoration expert: by way of being closest to the TV. When the audio went out, youā€™d get up and solidly WHACK the side of the TV until the audio was restored.

It had to be quick tooā€¦there was no rewind or pause for live TV!

#tv #olddays #retro #tubetv

Last updated 2 years ago

Maciej J. Hajduk :terminal: · @mjh
175 followers · 817 posts · Server social.linux.pizza

I just got idea to get back to old times.
Let's create my own with music by a.k.a. selection
Stay tuned

#radio #mjh #VFC #winamp #streaming #olddays #mp3

Last updated 2 years ago

Cab · @cabd
831 followers · 1249 posts · Server toot.bike

You know all the things you're meant to use old newspaper for, like wiping down the windows, bunging in to wet shoes or lining the bottom of the chicken house with? That was fine, back when we all got three free newspapers a week and likely as not could just pick up newspapers from wherever you were. What do you use instead -now-?

#Newspapers #olddays #ItsBetterNow

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Retana · @DannyBoy
11 followers · 147 posts · Server mastodon.ie

I used to remember when a of the line used to cost no more than $350.
Those where the "days" of . Nowadays I have to be in a , then win it to got into the right to buy a PowerColor RedDevil RX 6800XT for a magical of $520. A 3 year old GPU!!!

What a are we into. šŸ˜­

#top #gpu #pcgaming #crusade #price #joke #sad #computers #graphicscard #olddays #goodolddays

Last updated 2 years ago

Paradis · @LadyParadis
970 followers · 1888 posts · Server mstdn.social

I go back to the 60's, when a fun Saturday afternoon, was spent in record stores, listening to the latest stuff in little booths. You asked the assistant to put certain tracks on. You had headsets and listened away all you liked. But a lot of those old times are lost, due to only having real film in cameras, that we couldn't afford to get printed. So took very few photos.Shame.

#Life #olddays

Last updated 2 years ago

Paradis · @LadyParadis
966 followers · 1861 posts · Server mstdn.social

Well, to add to that story, the milk was delivered in a three wheeled electric milk float. (Open backed mini sized van, rather like a tuk tuk) Yes electric vehicles back in the 60's, who would have though it would actually be a thing 50/60 years later. They brought fresh orange juice too, in one third pint glass bottles.

#olddays #Life

Last updated 2 years ago

Magistus · @magistus
91 followers · 256 posts · Server mastodon.online
Autistic Widower ("AJ") · @autisticwidower
116 followers · 209 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Autistic Widower ("AJ") · @autisticwidower
117 followers · 208 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

The Pet Rabbits My Family Had During the 1970s

And some of my terrible childhood haircuts!

I shared some photos and brief memories about rabbits my mum and sister kept during the 1970s when I was growing up.


#pets #rabbits #childhood #family #nostalgia #haircuts #1970s #memories #olddays

Last updated 2 years ago

booknerdcarp · @booknerdcarp
6 followers · 57 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

Vincent Price Chose $20,000 Dollars Over a Percentage of Michael Jackson's THRILLER Album Proceeds ā€” GeekTyrant

Michael Jackson ā€™s Thriller was my favorite album when I was a kid, and the actual song ā€œThrillerā€ was just so freakinā€™ cool! I listened to that song over and over again on my parentā€™s...

#olddays #tv #movies #vincentprice #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

Autistic Widower ("AJ") · @autisticwidower
111 followers · 167 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Blake Patterson · @blakespot
531 followers · 247 posts · Server oldbytes.space

@AppleFanboy @amigalove I used my Amiga 2000 and then Amiga 1200 to do comp sci college code work. On the latter I ran PC-Task emulator and Turbo C for DOS to get it done. Dialed into their PR1ME as the connecting point.

I'd write out scenedemo zips grabbed over the new-to-me internet from funet.fi and write them to 720K floppies on the Suns in the lab and take them home to unpack on the A2000 HD.

Good times.

#amiga #dos #olddays

Last updated 2 years ago

Sugarless Muffin · @sugarless
35 followers · 99 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Do you know ? It was my absolute favourite back in my early years but nobody, other than me, seems to know it. I met a lot of people through it. I still remember the thrill of using it's "radar" to find someone to talk to-it even had an accurate sound of "scanning"šŸ„¹
It's a shame I can no longer use it. Just for the reasons.


#odigo #communicator #teenage #sentimental #olddays #oldschool #00s #millenials #Internet

Last updated 2 years ago

BSDBoy · @toomanysecrets
63 followers · 711 posts · Server mastodon.social
rishi :verifiedpurple: · @rishi
105 followers · 151 posts · Server infosec.exchange

When Microsoft has sunset the idea, then why the ā€œ(fck)gwrhqq2yxrkt8tg6w2b7q8ā€ stuck in here? Am not sure which neurons made this connection but I can tell you itā€™s stronger than my friendsā€™ anniversaries and birth dates. Haha

Tell me do you have a memory which serves no purpose, than sharing on a toot? And, boost it and letā€™s see what people come up with.


#memory #olddays #nostalgia #windows #microsoft

Last updated 2 years ago

The Feckless Pen šŸ• · @portmantony
281 followers · 576 posts · Server writing.exchange

@orionkidder Would it make things better or worse to know that I currently have a bottle of (Diet) Mountain Dew and a pizza on my desk?

#ogcomputerguy #olddays

Last updated 2 years ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
8 followers · 34 posts · Server newsie.social

Feeling to participate with all the folks on this list. Reminds of me of the "good" of 90s - . Thank you all for my

#fortunate #olddays #listservs #collegiality #KnowledgeSharing #learning #collaboration #lifting #spirits

Last updated 2 years ago