Here is the @Brighteon version of my new video where I respond to old earth creationist Greg Neyman's claim that young earth creationism is a cult by showing that Greg's arguments actually prove that old earth creationism is a cult. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.
#gregneyman #oldearthcreationism #cult #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #cult #oldearthcreationism #gregneyman
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I respond to old earth creationist Greg Neyman's claim that young earth creationism is a cult by showing that Greg's arguments actually prove that old earth creationism is a cult. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.
#gregneyman #oldearthcreationism #cult #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #cult #oldearthcreationism #gregneyman
Decided to back up yet another old video of mine to my JoshWho TV channel today. In this video, I discuss and prove that the early church fathers rejected old earth creationism and believed in the young earth creationism timeline of history. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.
#earlychurchfathers #oldearthcreationism #rejected #youngearthcreationism #apologetics
#apologetics #youngearthcreationism #rejected #oldearthcreationism #EarlyChurchFathers
Here is the UGETube version of my new video where I respond to old earth creationist YouTuber Smokey Saint unintentionally admitting through a hypothetical situation that he proposed that the god of old earth creationism is a deceptive liar. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.
#smokeysaint #oldearthcreationism #heresy #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #heresy #oldearthcreationism #smokeysaint
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I respond to old earth creationist YouTuber Smokey Saint unintentionally admitting through a hypothetical situation that he proposed that the god of old earth creationism is a deceptive liar. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.
#smokeysaint #oldearthcreationism #heresy #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #heresy #oldearthcreationism #smokeysaint
In preparation for an upcoming video, today is another day to back up one of my old BitChute videos to my JoshWho TV channel. In this video, I discuss how the old earth creationist YouTuber Smokey Saint is a gullible fool who became an old earth creationist because he fell for Reasons To Believe's authoritarianism. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel
#smokeysaint #reasonstobelieve #oldearthcreationism #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #oldearthcreationism #reasonstobelieve #smokeysaint
Here is the NewTube version of my new video where I return to the 2014 Biologos article by the failed young earth creationist to respond to more arguments that he made. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#failedyoungearthcreationist #oldearthcreationism #exposed #christian #apologetics
#apologetics #christian #exposed #oldearthcreationism #failedyoungearthcreationist
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I return to the 2014 Biologos article by the failed young earth creationist to respond to more arguments that he made. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#failedyoungearthcreationist #oldearthcreationism #exposed #christian #apologetics
#apologetics #christian #exposed #oldearthcreationism #failedyoungearthcreationist
Today is yet another day to back up one of my old BitChute videos to my NewTube channel. In this video, I respond to Reason To Believe's claim that Young Earth Creationism is not one of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#reasonstobelieve #thefundamentals #oldearthcreationism #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #oldearthcreationism #thefundamentals #reasonstobelieve
Today is yet another day to back up one of my old BitChute videos to my JoshWho TV channel. In this video, I respond to Reason To Believe's claim that Young Earth Creationism is not one of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#reasonstobelieve #thefundamentals #oldearthcreationism #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #oldearthcreationism #thefundamentals #reasonstobelieve
Today is yet another day to back up one of my old BitChute videos to my NewTube channel. In this video, I respond to an article by BioLogos titled "Confessions Of a Failed Young-Earth Creationist", where an old earth creationist talked about his deconversion from young earth creationism. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#failedyoungearthcreationist #oldearthcreationism #exposed #youngearthcreationism #apologetics
#apologetics #youngearthcreationism #exposed #oldearthcreationism #failedyoungearthcreationist
Today is yet another day to back up one of my old BitChute videos to my JoshWho TV channel. In this video, I respond to an article by BioLogos titled "Confessions Of a Failed Young-Earth Creationist", where an old earth creationist talked about his deconversion from young earth creationism. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel
#failedyoungearthcreationist #oldearthcreationism #exposed #youngearthcreationism #apologetics
#apologetics #youngearthcreationism #exposed #oldearthcreationism #failedyoungearthcreationist
Here is the NewTube version of my new video where I discuss how David Wood unintentionally proved in 2017 that old earth creationism is an irrational belief. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#davidwood #oldearthcreationism #irrational #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #irrational #oldearthcreationism #davidwood
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I discuss how David Wood unintentionally proved in 2017 that old earth creationism is an irrational belief. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#davidwood #oldearthcreationism #irrational #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #irrational #oldearthcreationism #davidwood
Currently reviewing an older video of mine where I respond to VentriloquistMagician's claim that young earth creationism is satanic in origin. If you like this video, I would encourage you to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.
#ventriloquistmagician #oldearthcreationism #satanicorigin #exposed #youngearthcreationism
#youngearthcreationism #exposed #satanicorigin #oldearthcreationism #ventriloquistmagician
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video about an Answers In Genesis article from 2011 about heresies, and how old earth creationism fits that article's definition of heresy. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my JoshWho TV channel and help spread the word.
#answersingenesis #oldearthcreationism #heresy #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #heresy #oldearthcreationism #answersingenesis
Here is the Bitchute version of my new video about an Answers In Genesis article from 2011 about heresies, and how old earth creationism fits that article's definition of heresy. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.
#answersingenesis #oldearthcreationism #heresy #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #heresy #oldearthcreationism #answersingenesis
Here is my new video where I debunk the old earth creationist argument that reality has the appearance of being billions of years old. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel, and help spread the word.
#oldearthcreationism #exposed #bible #christian #apologetics
#apologetics #christian #bible #exposed #oldearthcreationism
Here is my new video where I respond to an old earth creationist BitChuter named VentriloquistMagician, who claimed that young earth creationism is satanic in origin. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help spread the word!
#ventriloquistmagician #youngearthcreationism #oldearthcreationism #exposed #apologetics
#ventriloquistmagician #youngearthcreationism #oldearthcreationism #exposed #apologetics
Here is my new video where I conclude my series of videos responding to theistic evolutionist Perry Marshall's 2015 book "Evolution 2.0". If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel, and help spread the word!
#perrymarshall #oldearthcreationism #youngearthcreationism #apologetics #bitchute
#perrymarshall #oldearthcreationism #youngearthcreationism #apologetics #bitchute