Sat a table tonight with a bunch of 30 something parents and have never felt more out of place in my life. At their age I had no kids and was just starting a career. Now I have a ten year old and fifteen year old and can’t remember the last time I took a shot of anything that was not given to me in my arm. #SeniorParent #OlderAndWiser #GoingGreyGracefully
#seniorparent #olderandwiser #goinggreygracefully
Just back from an annual “boys weekend” - 4 guys who’ve been friends for nearly 50 years. We’ve noticed that adjustments are in order as we get older. The meals we cook are of a much better quality than they used to be. Friday night is still a late one but we were all in bed by 11 on Saturday. And we’ve agreed to leave the whisky at home from now on. #olddogsnewtricks #olderandwiser #lovetheseguys
#olddogsnewtricks #olderandwiser #lovetheseguys
Business travelling today. Luckily it doesn't happen often.
There was a time when I did it a lot. People thought it was cool. It wasn't. I have seen enough hotels and meeting rooms to last several lifetimes. And then we haven't even begun to talk about the climate impact.
I am already looking forward to being back home again.
#business #travel #lifestyle #olderandwiser
This list of #infosecfails made me giggle but also squirm slightly, until last year I could tick at least a third of them..
Maybe I'm just getting #OlderAndWiser.
It's a good checklist at least..
#infosec #olderandwiser #infosecfails
Just over a year ago, I had white & turquoise hair 😊 Next month, I'll have blue & green hair.
#selfie #AsianMastodon #BIPOC #Teochew #Chinese #40s #Almost50 #OlderAndWiser #holidays #TimesOfMyLife #DyedHair #VividHair #DisabledAsians #Feminist #Activist #SocialJusticeFighter #AntiRacismAdvocate #DisabilityAdvocate #HumanRightsParalegal #AsiansOnSDF
#selfie #asianmastodon #bipoc #teochew #chinese #40s #almost50 #olderandwiser #holidays #timesofmylife #dyedhair #vividhair #disabledasians #feminist #activist #socialjusticefighter #antiracismadvocate #disabilityadvocate #humanrightsparalegal #asiansonsdf