I hate it when my father tells me that I'll be in pretty good shape, financially, once he and my mother pass away. He always says it like they'll pass away together. #olderparents
I hate it when my father tells me that I'll be in pretty good shape, financially, once he and my mother pass away. He always says it like they'll pass away together. #olderparents
My father has Diverticulitis, Sjogren's syndrome, and Myasthenia gravis. His specialists have told him he could die from any one of these diseases at any time. #sjogrens #myastheniagravis #Diverticulitis #health #olderparents
#sjogrens #myastheniagravis #diverticulitis #health #olderparents
People keep saying "find an instance that matches your #community" - for me, and I'm guessing a lot of people, there is no single community we identify with.
Do I look for one for #rustlang / #clojure / #polyglot / #dataviz developers?
Or for old-school #agile enthusiasts?
Or for #PrincipalEngineer s?
Or for #OlderParents?
Or for #ClimateActivists? (if only I had the time)
Or for #LgbtAllies?
Or for #AusToUkImmigrants? (I hate the term "expat"!)
It's not that simple. I have @ksietsma for work community, but I can't "choose an instance" for each of the above! And I'm not sure I need to - #federated conversations seem to work fine. I just don't use the "local time line" much at all.
#community #rustlang #clojure #polyglot #dataviz #agile #principalengineer #olderparents #climateactivists #lgbtallies #austoukimmigrants #federated