Today I dug out a shoulder bag that still had coins in it from a trip to Japan 20 years ago. Purse is vintage - and back in style.
Maybe I'm finally at an age where I'd have more in common with centenarians than #Millennials and #GenZ.
#olderthandirt #midlifelife #genz #millennials
I turn 39 in a month,
and I got carded today.
Shhhhh. Let me enjoy it.
#old #aging #olderthandirt #birthday #carded #drinking #YoungAtHeart
#youngatheart #drinking #carded #birthday #olderthandirt #aging #old
For my birthday today I got the flu! Yay! Now I really can feel my age. #olderthandirt
@rustybrick I remember that! Along with AltaVista, Metacrawler. . . Of course I was a Compuserv user before all that. Living in the time of the DOS vs CPM Wars. #OlderThanDirt