@ClaudiaVeronica mine is a 1720 copy of L'Hopital "Traité analytique des sections coniques". This is reportedly the #oldestmathbook written on #calculus ! You can browse online a slightly older edition copy held in the John Adams Presidential Library at Boston Public Library https://archive.org/details/traitanalytiqu00lhos/page/n5/mode/2up
What’s your oldest math book? Mine is an 1842 first edition of “Differential and Integral Calculus” by Augustus De Morgan. He was one of Ada Lovelace’s teachers via correspondence. BTW the Hollings, Martin, and Rice book “Ada Lovelace: Making of a Computer Scientist” is a lovely assessment of her skills and development from people who grok 19th century math, math education, etc. #math #calculus #demorgan #lovelace #oldestmathbook
#oldestmathbook #lovelace #demorgan #calculus #math