If you want to save #OldGrowth forest,
and you should, you will notice that British Columbia
lost more old growth forest this summer, than the last 2 centuries of commercial logging.
Lost more old growth forest this summer than the last 2 centuries of commercial logging.
Trudeau, in retrospect making a mocking PR stunt, promised to plant 2 billion trees over ten years. He didnt, but thats not the point.
The point is: Climate took 24 Billion 🇨🇦Trees this summer.
24 billion
Yesterday, on CBC radio, I heard a biologist speak to the question of reforestation and how successful the regrowth of our forests might be after this horrendous year of wildfires throughout British Columbia. Continuing drought being the biggest problem. Her answer was 15-50%. #ClimateEmergency is here and we are still waiting for our provincial government to act on the 14 recommendations reform our forestry industry. #OldGrowth is still being logged and DRAX is still harvesting for wood pellets
It is deeply upsetting that we are still logging old growth forest in Australia (what little we have left, anyway). Look at the diameter of this tree filmed being trucked away in Tassie. This should be a crime.
#thicktrunktuesday #australia #tasmania #oldgrowth #logging
Global News BC: RCMP resume enforcement against Vancouver Island old-growth logging protesters https://globalnews.ca/news/9897961/fairy-creek-enforcement-resumes/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #oldgrowthloggingprotest #FairyCreekBlockade #FairyCreekProtest #OldGrowthLogging #rcmpfairycreek #Environment #FairyCreek #OldGrowth #tealcedar #RCMPRaid #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #oldgrowthloggingprotest #fairycreekblockade #fairycreekprotest #oldgrowthlogging #rcmpfairycreek #environment #fairycreek #oldgrowth #tealcedar #rcmpraid #RCMP
Tasmania cutting old growth for timber.
#Conservation #OldGrowth #Capitalism #Ecology
#conservation #oldgrowth #capitalism #ecology
YES!! PROTECT OLD GROWTH NOT OLD DESTRUCTIVE INDUSTRY! The forest industry much be reformed and overhauled.
#FairyCreek #BCPoli #CanPoli #OldGrowth #ClimateChange
"The Supreme Court of Canada dismissed the appeal application from the B.C. Crown and awarded costs to protester Ryan Henderson.
In light of that decision, the cases against other people who took part in the Fairy Creek blockade on southern Vancouver Island have been withdrawn."
#fairycreek #bcpoli #canpoli #oldgrowth #climatechange
What makes an ecosystem healthy?
'Most properties of natural ecosystems are developed by the ecosystem itself, without human intervention. Natural ecosystems, like primary forests, are complex, self-organizing, self-regulating and, therefore, self-sustaining... That nature can and should be “managed” is a deeply held belief in professional forestry. However, natural ecosystems do not require management.' #oldgrowth #forest https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/08/01/opinion/we-cant-manage-nature
An enormous #OldGrowth #cedar #tree has been identified in #VancouverIsland ’s #ClayoquotSound possibly dating back over a millennium. The western #RedCedar reaches a towering height of 46 metres and stands five metres wide at its base.
It is currently the sixth largest redcedar in #Canada - according to the #BCBigTreeRegistry 🌲
#SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation #ProtectAncientForests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #StopEcocide #ecology #BigTrees
#oldgrowth #cedar #tree #vancouverisland #clayoquotsound #redcedar #canada #bcbigtreeregistry #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation #protectancientforests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #stopecocide #ecology #bigTrees
You Aren’t Paying Enough Attention to #Moss . #Rainforest #PrimaryForest #CarbonSink #OldGrowth #Forest https://youtu.be/VVeBSKK88Ig
#moss #rainforest #primaryforest #carbonsink #oldgrowth #forest
Rich, mossy, and emotional atmospheric black metal, this album from #OldGrowth jays become a favorite. The artist is from Germany, but this resonates strongly with my Cascadian heart. 🖤
💚 Beautiful song and video from #Goanna - Reunited in protest at the ongoing destruction of #oldgrowth forest
#Tarkine #Takanya #Tasmania #BobBrownFoundation
#goanna #oldgrowth #tarkine #takanya #tasmania #BobBrownFoundation
#ThickTrunkTuesday 2 for 1 toot.
A giant #OldGrowth #cedar #stump & gnarly #maple #trees 🌲
#BigStumpsOfBC #Cowichan #VancouverIsland #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #TreesTuesday #nature #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation
#thicktrunktuesday #oldgrowth #cedar #stump #maple #trees #bigstumpsofbc #Cowichan #vancouverisland #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #treestuesday #nature #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation
This #oldgrowth savanna forest, part of a critical wildlife corridor in #darwin #australia may be bulldozed in the next week to make way for a housing development. The #endangered #gouldianfinch has been nesting in the area because there are trees like this. Federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek thinks a 50m buffer zone around the dam will keep the birds there. This is not based on science.
#saveleepoint #oldgrowth #darwin #australia #endangered #gouldianfinch
Page linking to Joan Baxter's Halifax Examiner articles on the state of deforestation in Nova Scotia. Joan is one of 140 journalists from 39 media outlets across 27 countries working collaboratively on ‘Deforestation Inc.’ #oldgrowth #novascotia @jbaxter https://www.halifaxexaminer.ca/deforestation-inc/
The biggest funders & marketers of #TreePlanting as a #ClimateAction goal are actually #BigTimber #ecocide #forestry & #FossilFuel corporations. They know telling ppl they'll plant a ton of trees or lying about cleanups helps their #corporate #greenwashing laundry.
You're dumb ASF to believe it. You can plant 50 million trees - most won't survive. Ancient #OldGrowth #forests have #irrreplaceable #CarbonSinks essential to planetary survival for all living beings. Abandoned wells poison, still.
#treeplanting #climateaction #bigtimber #ecocide #forestry #fossilfuel #corporate #greenwashing #oldgrowth #forests #irrreplaceable #CarbonSinks
Meanwhile, a small but aggressive wildfire on #VancouverIsland continues to burn beside the only major highway linking #PortAlberni #Tofino & #Ucluelet to the rest of #BritishColumbia .
Route is closed until further notice as the nearly one-square-knblaze spreads in steep terrain south of #CameronLake not far from #CathedralGrove home to some of #Canada ’s #oldest & #tallest #trees
#OldGrowth #wildfires #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #ForestryMismanagement #Clearcuts
#vancouverisland #portalberni #tofino #ucluelet #britishcolumbia #cameronlake #cathedralgrove #canada #oldest #tallest #trees #oldgrowth #wildfires #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #forestrymismanagement #clearcuts
Quickly and easily send a message to the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, and tell them you want them to protect our #oldgrowth #forests in the US!
#oldgrowth #forests #nature #climatechange #nationalparks
Belated #ThickTrunkTuesday entry.
This #ancient red #cedar is close to 500 yrs old. It's one of the last remaining #OldGrowth cedars within #CRD area on South #VancouverIsland & we need rest of unprotected #AncientForests protected for perpetuity.
#WorthMoreStanding #protectOldGrowth #SacredForests #ProtectTheSacred #SaveOldGrowth #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #irreplaceable #TreesOverGreed #vanisle #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #PNW #PacificNorthwest #ProtectNature #BCNDP #BritishColumbia
#thicktrunktuesday #ancient #cedar #oldgrowth #crd #vancouverisland #ancientforests #WorthMoreStanding #protectoldgrowth #sacredforests #protectthesacred #SaveOldGrowth #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #irreplaceable #treesovergreed #vanisle #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #pnw #pacificnorthwest #protectnature #bcndp #britishcolumbia
Good article on all involved in protecting BC Old Growth, which is in fact shorthand for protecting our critical CO2 sequestering resources and the last examples of an ecosystem being eradicated from the planet.
#fairyCreek #BCPoli #FirstNations #Indigenous #LandBack #forestry #OldGrowth https://thenarwhal.ca/fairy-creek-deferrals-2023/
#fairycreek #bcpoli #firstnations #indigenous #landback #forestry #oldgrowth