And so my flimsy hope of Australian Labor doing anything useful to address #SpeciesExtinctions dies. This act of announcing dinner being served when the food is not cooked is very LNP Morrisonesque.
#Disappointed #Auspol #OldGrowthForest
Tanya Plibersek announced swift parrot plan without showing recovery team who helped develop it
#speciesextinctions #disappointed #auspol #oldgrowthforest
#silentsundays Endangered Southern Vancouver Island #OldGrowthForest
#silentsundays #oldgrowthforest
Environmental Protest and Civil Disobedience in Australia
"As disruptive climate protests increase across the world, governments are legislating to deter them with harsher penalties, new offences and new powers...The Australian Constitution infamously contains limited express rights."
"Mainstream politics is disincentivised from leading uncomfortable conversations unless it has no choice. If parliamentary politics steps up to the challenge of the climate emergency, it will be because it is forced to do so either by a ‘politics of discomfort’, or because the scale of disaster that unfolds from its current trajectory creates that discomfort."
#AntiProtestLegislation #CivilDisobedience #climate #environment #activists #protestors #OldGrowthForest #NSW #law #rights #AuthoritarianLegalism #conservation #biodiversity #GlobalBoiling #ClimateEmergency
#antiprotestlegislation #civildisobedience #climate #environment #activists #protestors #oldgrowthforest #nsw #law #rights #authoritarianlegalism #conservation #biodiversity #globalboiling #climateemergency
Global News BC: B.C. extends order to stop old-growth logging in Fairy Creek watershed #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FairyCreekloggingdeferral #loggingonVancouverIsland #PacheedahtFirstNation #FairyCreekWatershed #BCloggingprotests #FairyCreeklogging #OldGrowthForest #Environment #bcforestry #FairyCreek #BcLogging #OldGrowth
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fairycreekloggingdeferral #loggingonvancouverisland #pacheedahtfirstnation #fairycreekwatershed #bcloggingprotests #fairycreeklogging #oldgrowthforest #environment #bcforestry #fairycreek #bclogging #oldgrowth
Global News BC: Fairy Creek old growth protesters celebrate as contempt prosecution has ‘collapsed’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCCivilLibertiesAssociation #VancouverIslandLogging #BCProsecutionService #FairyCreekProtesters #FairyCreekcourtcase #FairyCreeklogging #FairyCreekProtest #OldGrowthForest #Environment #FairyCreek #BcLogging #BCtimber
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BCCivilLibertiesAssociation #vancouverislandlogging #BCProsecutionService #fairycreekprotesters #fairycreekcourtcase #fairycreeklogging #fairycreekprotest #oldgrowthforest #environment #fairycreek #bclogging #bctimber
this outrageous environmental vandalism should make your blood boil
#OldGrowthForest #LoggingIsACrime #BritishColumbia
#canada #oldgrowthforest #loggingisacrime #britishcolumbia
Global News BC: Ecologically diverse watershed declared Indigenous protected area by B.C. First Nation #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Indigenousprotectedandconservedarea #RaushValleywatershed #BColdgrowthforest #SimpcwFirstNation #OldGrowthForest #RockyMountains #RaushValley #BCInterior #LowerRaush #UpperRaush #BCParks #Canada #IPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #indigenousprotectedandconservedarea #raushvalleywatershed #bcoldgrowthforest #simpcwfirstnation #oldgrowthforest #rockymountains #raushvalley #BCInterior #lowerraush #upperraush #bcparks #Canada #ipca
Hab mich schon länger gewundert wie unsere Wälder in Österreich den ansteigenden demand für Bauholz und Holz für Heizung abdecken können. Anscheinend ist die Antwort eh das wir es von den Nachbarn illegal schlagen.... Ist dies echt die beste Lösung die uns einfällt?
#greentransformations #shameonus #schande #Oldgrowthforest #Forestry #illegallumber
#greentransformations #shameonus #schande #Oldgrowthforest #Forestry #illegallumber
#greentransformations #shameonus #schande #oldgrowthforest #forestry #illegallumber
I've wondered for a while now how our Austrian forests where able to cover the growing demand for wood, esp for 'green' wood pellets for heating. I guess the answer is we just take it from the old growth forests from our neighbors.... Is this really the best solution we can come up with ?
#greentransformations #shameonus #schande #Oldgrowthforest #Forestry #illegallumber
#greentransformations #shameonus #schande #Oldgrowthforest #Forestry #illegallumber
#greentransformations #shameonus #schande #oldgrowthforest #forestry #illegallumber
More people are coming over from that other place. Here are some hashtags to aid in searching.
I hope to connect with you.
Here is a picture of a Barred Owl that landed on my balcony.
#catsofmastodon #amateurphotography #jungianstudies #masculinity #archetypes #depthpsychology #ecopsycology #ecofeminism #deepecology #veteran #democraticsocialism #guitar #pnw #oregon #oldgrowthforest #wicca
#introductions #catsofmastodon #amateurphotography #jungianstudies #masculinity #archetypes #depthpsychology #ecopsycology #ecofeminism #deepecology #veteran #democraticsocialism #guitar #pnw #oregon #oldgrowthforest #wicca
Today is #WorkDay for the oldsters #Volunteer group at #OxleyNatureCenter. We are rebuilding the main stairs into the North Woods Unit. The raised trails is an old roadbed that led up to a marina on Lake Yahola. The unit is #LowlandForest, all #OldGrowthForest, and is a great spot for birding. Some of the local #BaldEagles nest in this area, and it always seems to be the spot for rare #Warblers in the spring/summer.
It will take a couple more hard days to get the stairs repaired, and with the correct stride distance and a consistent rise for hikers.
#workday #volunteer #oxleynaturecenter #lowlandforest #oldgrowthforest #baldeagles #warblers #giveback #environmentalstewardship
@wildtreeadventures here are some pictures of the #OldGrowthForest in the #Caucasus where we did that study. It's usually very foggy there