I mean, Zelda II forever, but Tears of the Kingdom graphics look really neat, having an almost retro feel. Just watched the trailer, knowing nothing about it. Looking forward to watching the family try it out. My old brain doesn't really do controllers with "a lot of buttons". (Somehow there is a loophole for Tetris games.)
#tearsofthekingdom #zelda #zelda2 #nintendo #genx #GenXers #oldmillenial
#tearsofthekingdom #zelda #zelda2 #nintendo #genx #GenXers #oldmillenial
New profile! #aboutMe: #oldMillenial / #xennial hobbyist doing #webDev (#HTML, #CSS, #JavaScript, #d3js, #react, #nextjs, #nodejs, #vanillaJS, #JSON)... #rstats #rshiny & #python use #js for interactive graphics. I'm good at #wordpress and #wikipedia but I would love to learn #linux & #github & #mongoDB ... Cloud things sound cool. Is #fullStack in my future? Can i build a server? What is SSH? What is #docker / #kubernates? I'm prolly out of my league but here to learn.
#aboutme #oldmillenial #xennial #webdev #html #css #javascript #d3js #react #nextjs #nodejs #vanillajs #json #rstats #rshiny #python #js #wordpress #wikipedia #linux #github #mongodb #fullstack #docker #kubernates