Just wondering...has anyone ever tried a network-thinker approach?
Whenever I ran into people getting stuck with unsolvable phylogenies, I showed them there's more than the usual 1-dimensional stick graphs in phylogenetics and "can't" became a "let's" and, ultimately, "done".
Also great to explore only ambiguous signals.
E.g. #OldPosts
Summarizing non-trivial Bayesian tree samples for dating? Just use support consensus networks
It usually is the data with non-molecular data sets, and not a few molecular ones. However, the often overlooked question is, do they really support different trees, or is it merely prefence?
The signal from such matrices is usually not very treelike and one could simply explore the topological alternatives.
#OldPosts @ Geneal. World Phylog. Networks, e.g.
More non-treelike data forced into trees: a glimpse into the dinosaurs
Can't help it, sorry.
The Indo-part of Indomalaya was at the time even further away from Malaya but naturally closer to Australia although not really next to it.
Sophisticated top-down reconstructions look nice and make great graphics.
But whether they make sense might require a bit of a palaeo-perspective, too.
And, thanks to Rob Scotese, really everyone can dive into Earth's past.
#OldPosts https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-easter-egg-everyone-can-visually.html
If you fancy references, more artwork and prose, some #OldPosts
All solved a decade ago: the asterisk branch in the Fagales phylogeny—https://phylonetworks.blogspot.com/2018/02/all-solved-decade-ago-asterisk-branch.html
The challenging and puzzling ordinary beech – a (hi)story—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-challenging-and-puzzling-ordinary.html
Can we depict the evolution of highly conserved genes, such as the ribosomal RNA genes?—https://phylonetworks.blogspot.com/2019/02/can-we-depict-evolution-of-highly.html
Just a single, easily overlooked tip—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2022/07/just-single-easily-overlooked-tip.html
In my fields, it usually means pal- or light-reviewed.
But some (especially high-fly) journals have a strict resubmission policy as soon as the paper is not ready to publish to camouflage the actual time-under-review; an example #oldposts
And there's a vast grey-zone between predatory and legit publishing, e.g. some Frontiers in... journals are heavily compromised such as ...Genetics and ...Plant Science.
#FightTheFog-Update to https://ecoevo.social/@grimmiges/110101595898174133
Interesting leap in faith: The same clique of authors putting out a preprint claiming all modern-day Fagales genera are younger than 25-20 Ma pop up in the author list of a study just submitted to a high-tier #phylogeny journal indulging in how only the Fagaceae bunch hybridised already in the Eocene (>40 Ma).
Using the fossil record again, but this time without any palaeobotanist in the author list.
PS #OldPosts
#fightthefog #Phylogeny #oldposts
How shady has Frontiers in... become?
Well, they now sent out #PeerReview invitations to emails they only could have got from dubious sources.
But one has to applaud their AI to make the connection between the occassional customer and the (formerly professional) scientist of the same name.
Related #OldPosts:
Would you like to have your own edited paper collection?—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2019/10/would-you-like-to-have-your-own-edited.html
Aus aktuellem Anlaß, got a paper on Fagus hayatae (#beech) #phylogeography published 2016 in Ecol. Evol. with potentially interesting data, which is nowhere to be found.
Missing here but should be obligatory following each "Conclusion" section: a section on "Data availability". With a link to the phylogenetic matrix, ideally.
#OldPosts D. Morrison and I and why We want to publish our phylogenetic #data – including networks, but where?—https://phylonetworks.blogspot.com/2018/02/we-want-to-publish-our-phylogenetic.html
#beech #phylogeography #oldposts #data
It was quite lately that I came to appreciate the information in complete plastomes. They can be fascinating (just brooding over those of beeches and maples). Not with respect to #phylogeny, though, but #evolution and #history.
Time for the #OldPosts triple:
Are complete plastome trees always better? Maples, for instance—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2020/07/are-complete-plastome-trees-always.html
#Oaks systematics and complete plastome trees—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2019/10/oaks-systematics-and-complete-plastome.html
Just a single, easily overlooked tip—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2022/07/just-single-easily-overlooked-tip.html
#Phylogeny #Evolution #history #oldposts #oaks
Resistance is *not* futile!
In case you haven't yet, one can still join in fighting the Kraken (aka Elsevier)
And in case you have forgotten: Remember the "Coalition of Responsible Sharing"?
I found mail! From Elsevier, and in my Junk folder (where it belongs)—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2018/09/i-found-mail-from-elsevier-and-in-my.html
Also: Elsevier's research data "not available/will be made available on request" – what will be your choice?—https://researchinpeace.blogspot.com/2018/05/elseviers-research-data-not.html
Der Engländer nennt das "pedigree".
2+ #OldPosts dazu
Family trees, pedigrees and hybridization networks—https://phylonetworks.blogspot.com/2012/11/family-trees-pedigrees-and.html
mit Links zu Darwin und Einstein.
Bei uns Barbaren ist Inzucht eher ein Phänomen der moderne:
The first Royal pedigree—https://phylonetworks.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-first-royal-pedigree.html
#FunFact (Haus-)Katzen zeigen keinen Verlust der genetischen Fitness durch Inzucht. Arte hat da eine nette Kurzfilmserie, Folge 3: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/RC-017243/stubentiger/
And here's the summarising doodle for the final part 3 of my blogpost miniseries Big Data = No Brain? (to be fixed in the hopefully near future)
A cactus tree metaphor for the reticulate #Phylogeny of #Maples
Already online (#OldPosts)
Pt. 1: Complete plastomes vs. 500 nuclear genes
Pt. 2: Diggin deeper
Because these fellas are my constant companions I'm spending my break going through very old posts from another unnamed platform…. 👀
#Comedy #Procrastination #AustralianHistory #AustralianPodcast #OldPosts
#comedy #procrastination #Australianhistory #australianpodcast #oldposts
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