The Early Earth,
when for a long, long, loooong time,
nothing happened... is surprisingly. quite interesting.
What Was The "Boring Billion" Really Like?
#Happy #OldRockDay & #NationalBubbleBathDay this #weekend! I've been geeking out with fellow #retro / #retrogaming / #retrocomputing enthusiasts, discussing the timelines of modern vs. #vintage (and, of course, I believe vintage ends in the #80s).
#happy #oldrockday #nationalbubblebathday #weekend #retro #retrogaming #retrocomputing #vintage #80s
Before Pangaea — What?
The perplexing pÂroblem of what went on during the billions of years before Pangaea went to pieces.
50 years ago, scientists dug into Pangaea’s past lives
Update From Sept 30, 1972 of Science News
This interactive globe shows Earth from 750 million years ago right up to today.
Find Out Where Your House Would Be At The Time Of The Dinosaurs
3rd rock from the sun...
What does Earth look like from across the Universe?
From here on Earth, looking farther away in space means looking farther back in time. So what are distant Earth-watchers seeing right now?
Inferring cultural reproduction from lithic data:
A critical review
Further progress will require a more extended and context-specific evolutionary approach to address the complexity of real-world cultural reproduction.
For those who like to rock:
Today is #OldRockDay !
Rock out with...
The most interesting rock formations on the planet
#holidays #InternationalProgrammersDay, #NationalTempuraDay, #NationalBobbleheadDay, #ImNotGoingToTakeItAnymoreDay, #HarlemGlobetrottersDay, #OldRockDay, #PassGasDay, #FruitcakeTossDay, #DistaffDay / #RocDay
#holidays #internationalprogrammersday #nationaltempuraday #nationalbobbleheadday #imnotgoingtotakeitanymoreday #harlemglobetrottersday #oldrockday #passgasday #fruitcaketossday #distaffday #rocday
#holidays #InternationalProgrammersDay, #NationalTempuraDay, #NationalBobbleheadDay, #ImNotGoingToTakeItAnymoreDay, #HarlemGlobetrottersDay, #OldRockDay, #PassGasDay, #FruitcakeTossDay, #DistaffDay / #RocDay
#holidays #internationalprogrammersday #nationaltempuraday #nationalbobbleheadday #imnotgoingtotakeitanymoreday #harlemglobetrottersday #oldrockday #passgasday #fruitcaketossday #distaffday #rocday
Jan 7: Today is #Old #Rock Day! http://www.cute-calendar.com/40700 #OldRockDay #holiday #event #observance
#old #rock #oldrockday #holiday #event #observance
Heute ist #OldRockDay - wir erinnern daher an unsere Ausgabe #WerkstattGeschichte 81/2020 mit dem Thementeil "steine", hg. von Susann Lewerenz und Veronika Springmann, mit Beiträgen von Sebastian Felten (#Bergbau #18thCentury), Kathrin Rottmann (Pflastersteine #1968) und Regina Sarreiter (Steinwerkzeuge #kolonial #Ethnologie).
Dies und vieles mehr frei zugänglich unter: https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/steine/
#Histodons #Geologie #histsci #histknow #geology
@histodons @historikerinnen
#oldrockday #werkstattgeschichte #bergbau #18thcentury #kolonial #Ethnologie #histodons #geologie #histsci #histknow #geology