@Perrin49 @roger 1987 is also the year Citadel/UX (UNIX port of Citadel BBS) was released. It has evolved into "groupware app" adding internet email and a web front end and such but it is still somewhat actively developed to this day (just called Citadel now)
I have hosted my personal email on Citadel for almost 24 years so far
#OldSoftware can be good software!
SideKick para MS-DOS, un utilidad legendaria donde las haya https://www.microsiervos.com/archivo/ordenadores/sidekick-para-ms-dos.html
It is fun watching the evolution of Windows as seen through the lens of Solitaire.
#Windows #Solitaire #oldsoftware #games #retro
#windows #solitaire #oldsoftware #games #retro
For anyone wondering...
#PaintShoPro version 4.12 (32 bit program, released in 1997 and still one of my favorite image manipulation programs) does work on Windows 11.
Also --- it also runs reasonably well on the #Zorin OS (#Linux)
And you can still download it at http://www.oldversion.com/windows/paint-shop-pro-4-12
#paintshopro #zorin #linux #oldsoftware
Creative music video editing for @suetszu using
Reaper, Pure Data (PD) , MXWendler's Stage Designer (SD) & Syphon
- on a Macbook Pro mid 2012 / OS 10.9.
Prepare 1 big footage.mov of all filmed footage, note it's total frame number ->
• Reaper creates MIDI triggers synced to original audio.
• PD takes MIDI triggers and generates random start frame number within total frames range, to OSC
• SD plays footage.mov, receives start frames from OSC/PD - incl. real tm compositing, color correction etc.
• Syphon records SD's monitor signal to file, uncompressed or at various professional cmpression rates (422 HQ etc.)
This workflow generates a load of music-synced random generated cutting sequences at professional resolution, which can be used for final video cut or just for inspiration.
Working in simple Full HD. An old Macbook Pro flawlessly processes all that data at once. We don't have to always upgrade everything to newest hard- and software, despite devs telling us so -> artists have no cash left for that, do we?
#video #creative #editing #puredata #reaper #mxwendler #syphon #inspirational #oldhardware #random #oldsoftware #sustainable #computing @puredata@a.gup.pe @supercollider@a.gup.pe
#computing #sustainable #oldsoftware #random #oldhardware #inspirational #syphon #mxwendler #reaper #puredata #editing #creative #video