Ok so trying to find who to follow is kinda hard on this thing..... Everyone is an artist, writer, scientist or something equivalent.
Where are the folks that have worked in factories for 38 years, or is it just me?
I should have been more ambitious.....nah!
#tired #confused #lazy #sarcasm #oldstuffisgoodaswell #mastodondemographics #realpeople
.@radiostradbroke http://www.radiostradbroke.co.uk #NoWars #PeaceMatters #StaySafe #WearAMask #MusicMatters #NewMusicFriday #NowPlaying Marina Florance - Annie C #Take2Tracks #OldStuffIsGoodAsWell
#oldstuffisgoodaswell #take2tracks #nowplaying #newmusicfriday #musicmatters #WearAMask #staysafe #peacematters #NoWars
.@radiostradbroke http://www.radiostradbroke.co.uk #NoWars #PeaceMatters #StaySafe #WearAMask #MusicMatters #NewMusicFriday #NowPlaying Marina Florance - Every Woman #Take2Tracks #OldStuffIsGoodAsWell
#oldstuffisgoodaswell #take2tracks #nowplaying #newmusicfriday #musicmatters #WearAMask #staysafe #peacematters #NoWars