By and large #WestNorse preserves more of #ProtoGermanic than #EastNorse. An exception is the verbal stem gā/*ga- ’go’, which in #OldSwedish was used in the present tense and at times in the infinitive. Else its inflection was suppleted by forms of the verb ”ganga”.
In West Norse ”gá” is attested very sparsely indeed, and instead ”ganga” is used throughout the paradigm.
In past research there was an idea that gā could have been borrowed from #LowGerman, but today this is not deemed probable. 🧵👇🏻
#westnorse #ProtoGermanic #eastnorse #oldswedish #lowgerman
I attach my first introductory blog on #EastNorse, depicting coming topics.
I will discuss periferal Swedish dialects that originate from a more archaic East Norse than #OldSwedish. I will also by rigorously comparing #WestNorse, #EastNorse and #Gutnish show that they do not derive from 8th century language similar to #OldWestNorse, but a 6th century late #ProtoNorse.
As it seems, that Mastodon does not support PDFs, so I will have to reconsider my format of any future blogs.
#eastnorse #oldswedish #westnorse #gutnish #oldwestnorse #protonorse
Spoiler alert: I intend to start blogging about #EastNorse language history. Not only #VikingAge or #runic or Medieval #OldDanish and #OldSwedish, but also older #ProtoNordic and digressions into modern dialects, #Elfdalian and Fenno-Swedish. Hang on and boost if you think your followers are interested.
#eastnorse #vikingage #runic #olddanish #oldswedish #protonordic #elfdalian