My piano teacher's phone went off during our lesson over zoom. It was a very odd noise, distorted by the zoom call. I thought it was a lorry whooshing by.
Teach: You'll think I'm such a geek, it's the transporter noise from Star Trek. I've got another one that's the Enterprise doorbell noise.
Me: Oh you mean [plays TNG doorbell noise on piano]
Teach: What! Yes! Why didn't you tell me you like Star Trek?! [Plays ST1 / TNG theme on his piano]
Hi All 👋
I'm a slightly embarrassed #FoD currently based in South #England.
#StarTrek is my obsession, I'm a child of #DS9 which will always be my first love but also positive about all #NuTrek and #OldTrek too!
My second obsession is #politics, especially #politicsUK, so don't follow if you do want to hear about/debate #Leftie and #centrist thinking.
I left because they'd blocked where journalists I want to follow hang-out.
Thanks for the welcome!
#indroduction #FoD #england #startrek #ds9 #nutrek #oldtrek #politics #politicsUK #Leftie #centrist