Of all the Nova previews I didn’t expect a lady on a unicorn, Élisse Duchaard, to be my favourite. I have no intention of getting into The Old World as a game but I’m definitely going to dip in and out with different factions for painting projects. Which is largely what I did with Fantasy Battles anyway. But back then no one cared if you fielded Elves and Goblins together because none of us had a proper army of anything. #Nova #OldWorld
Soren Johnson, the lead designer of #Civ3 and of #OldWorld, just published a video, which was used to pitch Old World (at the time named 10 Crowns) in 2017.
Looks very different from today, have a look!
Made of #Chennai
By @MadrasMobile #SriramV
#Madras #roots #identity #metropolis #smalltownatmosphere #leisure #gracious #gentle
#saree #flowers @dhoti #worship #greenery #beach #cricket #ChennaiSuperKings #charm
#traditions #conservative #oldworld #Bharatanatyam #sambar #curdrice #finedining
#cityofchange #finedining #curdrice #sambar #Bharatanatyam #oldworld #Conservative #traditions #charm #ChennaiSuperKings #cricket #beach #greenery #worship #Flowers #saree #gentle #gracious #leisure #smalltownatmosphere #metropolis #identity #roots #Madras #sriramv #Chennai
A serious video role-playing game adaptation of the #OLDWORLD or even the #TheEnemyWithin campaign would be madness and unfortunately probably very unrealistic.
The #MMO back then had its moments.
#oldworld #TheEnemyWithin #mmo #warhammer #WFRP #crpg #ttrpg #videogames
Another cross-post from the birdsite, #OldWorld has been updated again!
"✨Old World Update 112✨
🧠AI combat improvements
⚔️Combat damage preview improvement
🐛Fixed issue with minimum distance between city sites
Full patch notes at https://mohawkgames.com/2023/08/16/old-world-update-112/ "
You can discuss the update with us here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/old-world-update-112.685090/
Peasant Scum, #ChaosRising! WATCHout, pay your respect to #TheLady…
#FanMovie #OldWorld #Warhammer #WFRP #Crowdfunding #Sigmar #GrimDark #DarkFantasy #Fantasy #Movie #Bretonnia
#chaosrising #thelady #fanmovie #oldworld #warhammer #WFRP #crowdfunding #sigmar #grimdark #darkfantasy #fantasy #movie #bretonnia
Check out warhammer fantasy dark elves! Multi Units https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334977417940?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=IlFFzvNRSxu&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=IlFFzvNRSxu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=TW #eBay via @eBay_UK #warhammercommunity #oldworld #darkelves
#ebay #warhammercommunity #oldworld #darkelves
Anyone in need of some dwarf cannons?
#dwarfs #cannons #whfb #oldworld #warhammer #WarhammerCommunity
#dwarfs #cannons #whfb #oldworld #warhammer #warhammercommunity
Back in #fantasy #HolyRomanEmpire: Started #RichardSwan's second #EmpireiftheWolf book #TyrannyofFaith (de: #ImNetzdesDämons) and I like it a lot!
In my eyes, there is a focus on power, abuse of power, self-righteousness and corruption. Presenting the story from the perspective of an assistant is quite clever and interesting. Similarities to #GW's #OldWorld remain in view of the same root, but they decrease in my opinion. In any case, the corresponding silliness is missing.
#Recommended #books
#fantasy #holyromanempire #RichardSwan #empireifthewolf #tyrannyoffaith #imnetzdesdamons #GW #oldworld #recommended #books
Meena Shamaly, host of the "Game Show" on ABC, and who also sings in the game score of #OldWorld https://mohawkgames.com/oldworld/ , has interviewed Christopher Tin. They talk about his career, how he got to compose Baba Yetu, how the grammy gave him many more options, like going into opera, and why he likes choires.
You can listen to the whole podcast here https://www.abc.net.au/classic/programs/game-show/game-show-the-music-of-christopher-tin/102579736 and discuss it with us here https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/podcast-choral-languages-ancient-worlds-and-a-little-golf-the-music-of-christopher-tin.684749/
TurnBasedLovers has published another article/video, which is interesting to the CFC community, called "Top 20 Modern Turn-Based Strategy Games to Play in 2023". The authors have made a list of interesting turn-based games from the last year, including #OldWorld, Master Of Magic, GalCiv IV, Myriads: Renaissance and Revival: Recolonization, and they are all worth checking out.
What is your pick?
Article: https://turnbasedlovers.com/lists/top-20-modern-turn-based-strategy-games-to-play-in-2023/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHvsV9XZ9eI
Forum link: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/turnbasedlovers-articles-and-reviews-of-turn-based-games.675462/
The Twitter account of the indy publisher Hooded Horse has just noted that all their 7 published titles, including #OldWorld, Terra Invicta and Against The Storm are currently available as bundle during the Steam Summer Sale, for 88€! Should be interesting for most strategy fans!
Link: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/27508/Hooded_Horse_Publisher/
Two Vervet Monkeys Tanzania Africa. See more here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/two-vervet-monkeys-tanzania-africa-joan-carroll.html #monkeys #vervet #tanzania #africa #oldworld #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animalphotography #naturephotography #nature #travel #travelphotography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #giftideas @joancarroll
#monkeys #vervet #tanzania #africa #oldworld #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animalphotography #naturephotography #nature #travel #travelphotography #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #theartdistrict #giftideas
The Steam Summer Sale is on! As most important title #Civ6 is on sale, with a 90% discount, down to 5.99€, with also the Anthology and Platinum being discounted by 86% and 91%, https://store.steampowered.com/app/289070/Sid_Meiers_Civilization_VI/
Besides the Civ games there is a lot more on sale, e.g. #OldWorld, the #TotalWar franchise, #Paradox games, as well as the #Anno franchise.
Strategy and Wargaming .com also has an article with various interesting games here https://strategyandwargaming.com/2023/07/02/25-strategy-video-games-recommendations-for-the-steam-summer-sale/
#civ6 #oldworld #totalwar #paradox #anno
Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World #OldWorld https://mohawkgames.com/oldworld/ , have released the latest update for their game https://mohawkgames.com/2023/07/05/old-world-update-110/ . This update includes, among other things like bugfixes and performance improvements some changes to MP like allowing players to change midgame when loading a save, and tribes and AI nations can now also raze cities.
Discuss this update with us here https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/old-world-update-110.684463/ (and read the full list of changes too).
Is there something like a #HighFantasy #Thriller genre?! So far, I like #JusticeofKings quite a bit.
No Elves, Dwarves or Orcs - only human intrigues and murder. Strong #WFRP #OldWorld vibes. The setting reminds me also a lot of the #HolyRomanEmpire, but without the funny elements of the #GW interpretation.
I especially like the writing perspective. The young female assistant is the storysteller.
#highfantasy #Thriller #justiceofkings #WFRP #oldworld #holyromanempire #GW
Is there something like a #HighFantasy #Thriller genre?! So far, I like #JusticeofKings quite a bit.
No Elves, Dwarves or Orcs - only human intrigues and murder. Strong #WFRP #OldWorld vibes. The setting reminds me also a lot the #HolyRomanEmpire, but without the funny elements of the #GW interpretation.
I especially like the writing perspective. The young female assistant is the storysteller.
#highfantasy #Thriller #justiceofkings #WFRP #oldworld #holyromanempire #GW