14 years ago today, I wrote: "We overestimate the extent to which the world makes sense, or rather, we overestimate the extent to which we can make the world make sense."
#talkingtomyselflettingyoulisten #oldyada
Ten years ago today, I wrote: "This morning in private conversation I was told of an HR director who will not hire anyone who does not have a long, fat tail online. In other words, if you haven't embarrassed yourself on Facebook, or Twitter, on Reddit, or whatever new online hotness, you will not be hired by the firm or firms this HR person works for." #oldyada #HR #hiring #socialmedia
#SocialMedia #Hiring #hr #oldyada
2/2 Mine eyes can hardly weep Kundera's "two tears of kitsch" over one meme before the happy crap algorithm shuffles another meme to the top of my feed. #oldyada 2014 https://doctoromed.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/grendels-laundry-list-kundera-on-kitsch/
Despair is nothing more than anaphylactic shock in those persons especially susceptible to the sting of Hope.
#oldyada 2011#apothgem #aphorisms