The start of a new year is an opportunity to look back on the #oldYear and wish good things for the #NewYear
This year I experience a loss of "social safety net" and it scares me.
4 distinct events took place that could have gone very badly without an okay health and financial security.
These are situations where insurance and social security should have provided a safety cushion, but didn't...
For the next years, I wish we could rebuild a society with more solidarity (and kindness)
Happy Old Year’s Afternoon!!!!!!!!
What are you not doing to not celebrate the old year afternoon?
I’ll go first: I’m not having fun!
Ok, it's the last day of 2022, but before you switch into party mode, complete this six-sentence yearly review:
#review #yearlyreview #oldyear #newyear
Remembering the unqualified BEST of #2022 - #MiriamMargolyes speaking for a nation:
“What I really wanted to say was FUCK OFF… but you can’t say that.”
Oh, I think you’ll find you can. *chef’s kiss*
#miriammargolyes #oldyear #newyear
Do you have #reflections on #2022 you’d like to share?
I’ll go first - keep going with the practice of noticing that thoughts are just thoughts.
#reflections #lifechanging #reflection #newyear #oldyear #lessons
Do you have #reflections on #2022 you’d like to share?
#reflections #reflection #newyear #oldyear #lessons
Does anyone have #reflections on #2022 they’d like to share?
#reflections #reflection #newyear #oldyear #lessons