Please don't put this monarchist symbol for engulfment of a whole diverse movement into the same category as #OlenaShevchenko. It is these monarchist people calling out to kill all members of the three groups who are in the way of the "princes" enthronement chanting: "kill all those rotten mullahs, left activists and modjaheddin".
You don't need to be a fan of either of them to spot the problem of these regular reoccuring monarchist chants.
Great lineup from #TimeMagazine (although I'm not sure why they leave some women's names out of the headlines):
'Women of the Year'
"Creating a better future for women means building bridges—across generations, communities, and borders. These extraordinary leaders are working toward a more equal world."
#CateBlanchett #AyishaSiddiqa #AngelaBassett #RamlaAli #PhoebeBridgers #AnielleFranco #OlenaShevchenko #VerónicaCruzSánchez #MasihAlinejad #MeganRapinoe #MakikoOno #QuintaBrunson
#timemagazine #CateBlanchett #ayishasiddiqa #angelabassett #ramlaali #phoebebridgers #aniellefranco #olenashevchenko #veronicacruzsanchez #MasihAlinejad #MeganRapinoe #makikoono #quintabrunson #womenoftheyear