Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system that can predict how humans perceive smells based on their chemical structures. The Smell AI system uses deep learning to analyze millions of molecular features and odour descriptions and generate new odor labels for unknown molecules. The system could help create new fragrances, flavors, and aromatherapy products and improve our understanding of the sense of smell. #SmellAI #ArtificialIntelligence #Olfaction
#smellai #artificialintelligence #olfaction
"the program, a so-called graph neural network, is excellent at imitating human sniffers, at least when it comes to simple odors. It reliably predicted what the volunteers smelled, a feat sensory biologists have been working toward for decades. It also predicted the smells of 500,000 other molecules, with no need to make or sniff them."
Lee et al., Science 2023:
#neuroscience #machinelearning #olfaction
ESPP 2023 satellite workshop on the philosophy of olfactory perception, aka the Smell Workshop, organized by BD Yound and Błażej Skrzypulec:
#olfaction #smell #philosophy #espp2023
"Behavioral algorithms and neural mechanisms underlying odor-modulated locomotion in insects" by Wechsler & Vikas Bhandawat 2023 – a review.
#drosophila #olfaction #neuroscience
Looking forward to talking to the UK Semiochemical Network meeting tomorrow about ‘Individuating the Sense(s) of Smell’. For further details, you can read the published version at #philosophy #perception #olfaction #smell #TheSenses #UKSN
#philosophy #Perception #olfaction #smell #TheSenses #UKSN
There were plenty of great talks at #Evol2023 yesterday, but I think my favorite was Robert Driver's work on olfactory receptors in birds. It was great to see someone pushing back on the "birds can't smell" narrative with cutting edge genomics and functional genetic techniques! #Evolution #olfaction #birds
#evol2023 #Evolution #olfaction #birds
Various aspects of olfactory memory are represented as modulated responses across different classes of neurons in C. elegans. #Neuroscience #Olfaction #CElegans
#Celegans #olfaction #neuroscience
📰 "Influence of RVFV Infection on Olfactory Perception and Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster"
by 🔬 Stella Bergmann, Maja C Bohn, Susann Dornbusch, Stefanie C Becker, Michael Stern #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#Drosophila #Sensory
#drosophilamelanogaster #olfaction #drosophila #sensory
“The functional logic of odor information processing in the Drosophila antennal lobe", Lazar et al. 2023
A computational model of olfactory circuits based on #connectomics and functional data, which separates semantic information (which odor; quality) from syntactic (intensity; quantity) using known sensory neurons, projection neurons and local neurons.
#compneurosci #olfaction #drosophila #neuroscience #connectomics
Aberrant olfactory network functional connectivity in people with olfactory dysfunction following COVID-19 infection: an exploratory, observational study
#Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #Olfaction #Smell #Anosmia #OlfactoryDysfunction #Covid #LongCovid
#LongCovid #covid #OlfactoryDysfunction #anosmia #smell #olfaction #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience
Long COVID Smell Loss Linked to Changes in the Brain
Anosmia, or the loss of the sense of smell caused by long COVID is linked to changes in the brain that prevents correct olfactory processing.
#Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #Olfaction #Smell #Anosmia #Covid #LongCovid
#LongCovid #covid #anosmia #smell #olfaction #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience
“Mechanisms and functions of respiration-driven gamma oscillations in the primary olfactory cortex”
González et al. 2023
“respiration drives gamma oscillations in the piriform cortex, which correlate with local feedback inhibition… [oscillations] locally segregate neuronal assemblies through a winner-take-all computation leading to sparse odor coding during each breathing cycle.”
#neuroscience #mouse #olfaction #oscillations #PiriformCortex
#piriformcortex #oscillations #olfaction #mouse #neuroscience
Using experiments and simulations to uncover how #animals find sources of #scent plumes.
#olfaction #signalling #genomics
#animals #scent #olfaction #signalling #genomics
First #molecular images of #olfaction open door to creating novel smells.
#molecular #olfaction #sensing #signalling
📰 "Larval microbiota primes the Drosophila adult gustatory response"
by 🔬 Montanari, M., Maniere, G., Berthelot-Grosjean, M., Dusabyinema, Y., Gillet, B., Grosjean, Y., Kurz, C. L., Royet, J. #Olfaction
#Drosophila #Sensory
#olfaction #drosophila #sensory #adult #taste #larva
Part of the joy of sitting down with a good #book is the #sensory experience of it: the heft of the book in your hands, the sound of the cracking spine as you open it, the texture of the pages, and the telltale aroma that distinguishes between new #books and old. Here's where those smells come from (h/t:, in honour of #WorldBookDay in the UK).
#chemistry #olfaction #bookstodon #worldbookday #books #sensory #book
Next was a fantastic talk by Stuart Firestein on the science of human #olfaction and #odor modeling at @sfiscience. I've always been curious about why it's so difficult to build machines that can effectively smell, and this talk clearly lays out why - we still don't completely understand how people #smell. The details here are fascinating, and highly worth your time (5/7)
📰 "Olfaction: The smell stops here"
by 🔬 Katherine Nagel #Olfaction
Postdoctoral fellow @hopkins_ent
Apply for postdoc position @hopkins_ent #sinusitis #olfaction research
#ScienceJobs #job
Baltimore #UnitedStatesUS #PostdoctoralFellow
#postdoctoralfellow #unitedstatesus #job #ScienceJobs #olfaction #sinusitis