@onet Przesadziła. Najwyżej 550 mln.
W Indiach w 2023 żyło ok. 1,42 mld ludzi. [1]
Wegetarianie, zależnie od szacunków, stanowią od 25% [2] do 39% [3] (są różne definicje wegetarianizmu, ale dla oceny wypowiedzi pani Tokarczuk przyjąłbym te najbardziej liberalne, bo powiedziała ona tylko o niejedzeniu mięsa)
[2] https://www.statista.com/statistics/1280079/global-country-ranking-vegetarian-share/
[3] https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/06/29/religion-and-food/
#indie #Wegetarianizm #olgatokarczuk #factchecking
Lu : "Sous les Ossements des Morts" de #OlgaTokarczuk
Du polonais, traduit par #MargotCarlier
Surpris par le twist 20 pages avant la fin.
Emballé par le style, belle traduction qui a dû demander beaucoup.
Poésie du récit.
Révolte existentielle.
La personne qui me l'avait offert pour Noël à eu raison.
#roman #antispecisme #anticlerical #consumerisme #animaux #chasse #astrologie
#olgatokarczuk #margotcarlier #roman #antispecisme #anticlerical #consumerisme #animaux #chasse #astrologie
#OlgaTokarczuk irakurtzen ari naiz, gazteleraz eta txundigarria da "Jacoben liburuak", nahiz eta mila orrialdetik gora izan (bide batez esanda, atzekoz aurrera zenbatuak, hebreerar erara). Idazle poloniar honek erakusten duen ezagutza zabala, ñabardura txikitan islatzen dena, liluragarria da haren munduan barna (xiii. mendeko Polonia) murgiltzen denarentzat. Tira, bide luzea dut oraindik zeharkatzeko.
Euskaraz bada itzulia "Erabili goldea hilen hezurren gainetik".
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Lectura: ‘Los libros de Jacob’, Olga Tokarczuk
Los indicios del Holocausto en ‘Los libros de Jacob’, la «obra magna» de la Nobel Olga Tokarczuk La novela, que llega a España tras ser publicad…
#Lectura #olgatokarczuk
"I tried to talk some people into setting up a trade union - these were the days of Solidarity - if only for him, but he didn't want to. Touched by the interest I'd taken in him, however, he began to share with me the spicy curry he brought in a tiffin-carrier every day. I no longer remember what his name was."
Flights - Olga Tokarczuk (translated by Jennifer Croft) 2/2
#quotes #bookstodon #books #reading #novels #translation #Fitzcarraldo #OlgaTokarczuk
#quotes #bookstodon #books #reading #novels #translation #fitzcarraldo #olgatokarczuk
"Just one person worked there permanently, an Indian man who had been there for years, though in reality his situation was no different from ours. He didn't have insurance or paid holidays. He worked in silence, patiently, at an even keel. He was never late. He never found any need to take time off."
Flights - Olga Tokarczuk (translated by Jennifer Croft) 1/2
#quotes #bookstodon #books #reading #novels #translation #Fitzcarraldo #OlgaTokarczuk
#quotes #bookstodon #books #reading #novels #translation #fitzcarraldo #olgatokarczuk
"C'est alors que j'ai senti la colère m'envahir, une vraie de vraie, divine, pourrait-on dire. Elle déferlait en moi en une vague de chaleur. J'ai éprouvé de l'inquiétude au milieu de cette énergie ; j'avais l'impression qu'elle me soulevait en l'air, petite explosion grandiose dans l'univers de mon corps. Un feu brûlait en moi, telle une étoile à neutrons." #vendredilecture #mastolivre #OlgaTokarczuk #surlesossementsdesmorts #libretto
#vendredilecture #mastolivre #olgatokarczuk #surlesossementsdesmorts #Libretto
A fascinating essay about St Emerentia, a name for St Anne's mother, so Mary's grandmother. Olga Tokarczuk got curious about the name, used in Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain. #saints #TheParisReview #OlgaTokarczuk
#saints #theparisreview #olgatokarczuk
Couldn't decide if I should move right on to book #2 after completing my reread of #NKJemisin's The City We Became, to avoid the risk of forgetting things again. But then I opened up #GeetanjaliShree's Tomb of Sand (found via toots of translator @shreedaisy) and was immediately hooked by the first page, so I guess my #NowReading is decided! Already getting a somewhat similar feeling as when I read #OlgaTokarczuk's The Books of Jacob, one of my top books of 2022. #bookstodon
#bookstodon #olgatokarczuk #nowreading #GeetanjaliShree #nkjemisin
Olga Tokarczuk 's descriptions of the Peloponnese region in #Greece are vivid and imaginative, capturing the sense of history and myth that permeates the landscape.
In her #book 'Flights,' she writes about the region:
"I do think that Peloponnese has the most beautiful shape. It's the shape of a great maternal hand, not a human one, that is dipping into the water to check if the temperature is right for a bath."
Absolutely fabulous !
#literature #books #peloponnese #greece #book #olgatokarczuk
Happy birthday, Olga Tokarczuk! 🥳
"Gesang der Fledermäuse" war für mich ein ganz besonderes Leseerlebnis. Etwas zwischen hoher Literatur und Krimi, hart und unerbittlich, und doch mit überraschenden Hoffnungsmomenten - ganz wie die ungewöhnliche Protagonistin, einer alten Frau, der Tiere näher stehen, als Menschen. Hat noch lange in mir nachgehallt.
#lesen #OlgaTokarczuk #frauenlesen #botd @lesekreis
#lesen #olgatokarczuk #frauenlesen #botd
RT @Agniesz61796740@twitter.com
29.01.1962 ur. się Olga Tokarczuk.
Pisarka, eseistka, autorka
scenariuszy, psychoterapeutka, laureatka licznych nagród, w tym: Nobla, Bookera oraz dwukrotnie Nike.
Bieguni, Prawiek i inne czasy, Księgi Jakubowe, Empuzjon i in.
#BornOnThisDay #OlgaTokarczuk
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Agniesz61796740/status/1619573514838884352
#BornOnThisDay #olgatokarczuk #CzytamyAutorki
Great review of Tokarczuk's new novel, Empuzjon, in @notesfrompoland
She "revisits the unreal world of The Magic Mountain, intent on revealing its secrets and shattering its silence. She says that in writing Empuzjon, she wanted to dig around in Mann’s creation, lovingly, without unnecessary bitterness. The result is a novel of mixed emotions and blurred boundaries, a bittersweet encounter with Europe’s literary legacy."
#OlgaTokarczuk #Tokarczuk
#Empuzjon #ThomasMann
#olgatokarczuk #tokarczuk #empuzjon #thomasmann
Warto przypomnieć sobie króciutkie, ale zmuszające do refleksji opowiadania: „Gość” autorstwa Olgi Tokarczuk oraz „Człowiek i karp” napisane przez Artura Pałygę.
Na poniższej stronie dostępna jest również publikacja przyrodnicza pt. „Stawy karpiowe”.
Wszystkie teksty można pobrać za darmo i legalnie w formie PDF.
#OlgaTokarczuk #ArturPałyga #opowiadania #opowiadanie #KlubGaja
#olgatokarczuk #arturpalyga #opowiadania #opowiadanie #klubgaja
@auschwitzmuseum https://twitter.com/ninamalsto/status/1555461510264233984?s=46&t=chjhYwJS2_PNNLqwVdh6Rw „I treat the testimony-the narratives, admonitions and reflections-as a kind of vacccination against evil. If we don’t immunize ourselves against the most horrid experiences of the past, The sickness will return” #OlgaTokarczuk-foreword. In book by #MarianTurski
@ashinillinois Thanks for sharing your #IAmReading I usually have a paperback for daytime reading and an e-book for nighttime reading so I don't keep my husband awake😬 I'm reading "Flights" by #OlgaTokarczuk by day. Last night I finished "Big Shot" by #JulieMulhern I always enjoy her books. Tonight I plan to start "Scarlet at Crystal River" by #RandyOverbeck . I'm going to check out Quackery, it sounds intriguing:)
#iamreading #olgatokarczuk #juliemulhern #randyoverbeck
Oh boy, so finally an #introduction: I’m British-Swedish, living in #Stockholm, trying to piece together a #writing practice worth the name in the interstitial gaps between freelance dayjob and raising three small kids. Currently chipping away at a #speculative novel with an actual plot of sorts, which… is not like me. Am hugely looking forward to reading #olgatokarczuk ‘s Book of Jacob but have you seen the size of that thing? Good grief…
#olgatokarczuk #speculative #writing #stockholm #introduction