Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Haters Are Panicking Over Sam Smith's 'Raunchy' New Music Video, and I Think I Know Why #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #terminology #alexphilips #linguistics #olilondon #samsmith #gloria #queer
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #terminology #alexphilips #linguistics #olilondon #SamSmith #gloria #queer
In case you haven't heard, #OliLondon detransitioned back to a man (he/him) and went on Fox News to push the false narrative that trans rights activists are trying to groom children.
He still identifies as Korean which is sickening to me as an ethnic Korean. Colonizers like him can't steal land/people so he steals the culture instead. Just another result of the imperialist joint-occupation of the ROK by US and Japan. Everything's up for grabs to colonizers.
So now UK singer / YouTuber #OliLondon detransitioning from korean woman to men...
And top of this he became Christian and politician. Because he blames the leftist encouraging his transition to woman.
Oh and he just interviewed about this at Tucker Carlsons show. Oh and he has praying photos in the Trump tower NYC in front of USA flags... 🤪 Everything for the 15 minutes of fame.
We living #Kafkaesque times friends I'm telling You. :tiredcat: