Happy International Women's Day from female Toons!!! #MinnieMouse #DaisyDuck #Ortensia #FannyCottontail #Kitty #ClarabelleCow #BettyBoop #OliveOyl #PearlPureheart #WinnieWoodpecker #LolaBunny #LooneyTunes #InternationalWomansDay
#InternationalWomansDay #looneytunes #lolabunny #winniewoodpecker #pearlpureheart #oliveoyl #bettyboop #clarabellecow #Kitty #fannycottontail #ortensia #daisyduck #minniemouse
Little Audrey in Olive Oyl for President (January 30, 1948)
#LittleAudrey #HarveyGirlsForever #HarveyStreetKids #HarveyComics #Popeye #OliveOyl #OliveOyleforPresident #FamouseStudios #ParamountPictures #Cartoons #IceCream
#icecream #cartoons #paramountpictures #famousestudios #oliveoyleforpresident #oliveoyl #popeye #harveycomics #harveystreetkids #harveygirlsforever #littleaudrey
RT @SallotIV@twitter.com
The great memory of #BettyBoop and #OliveOyl's voice actress, #MaeQuestel (1908 - 1998), who passed away 25 years ago.
#bettyboop #oliveoyl #maequestel
Olive Oyl typing away - Popeye In Puddleburg - 1934 Saalfield - Art by E.C. Segar - Colors by me - Sep 2018
#oliveoyl #popeye #segar #ecsegar #coloring #comics #popeyeinpuddleburg #saalfield #digitalcoloring #comicscoloring #reporter #journalist #typing #typist #atrocities
#atrocities #typist #typing #journalist #reporter #ComicsColoring #digitalcoloring #saalfield #popeyeinpuddleburg #comics #coloring #ecsegar #segar #popeye #oliveoyl
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
I yam tired of Bluto starin' at me sweetie! Wotsk me neks step?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1557094122820886530
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
I love me fans, butsk ye have ta stop makin' me so small next ta Bluto! Arf! Arf! Arf!
🎨: http://deviantart.com/yureisan
#fanart #popeye #popeyefanart #art #bluto #oliveoyl #streetfighter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1522644024527667200
#streetfighter #oliveoyl #bluto #Art #popeyefanart #popeye #FanArt
Popeye #7 - Editora Abril (Brazil) 1979
#popeye #braziliancomics #internationalcomics #comics #popeyecomics #editoaabril #oliveoyl
#oliveoyl #editoaabril #popeyecomics #comics #internationalcomics #braziliancomics #popeye