#UkrainianJournalists share their stories of war
February 22 2023 5pm GMT 12pm EST
#IgorBurdyga Correspondent for Deutsche Welle Ukrainian service
#KaterynaSemchuk #Ukraine correspondent at oDR, #openDemocracy's post-Soviet space project
#OliverBullough Journalist & author of ‘Butler to the World'
Chair, #DanielTrilling Journalist & author based in London
#RussiaUkraine #WarInUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #media
#media #RussiaUkraineWar #WARINUKRAINE #RussiaUkraine #danieltrilling #oliverbullough #opendemocracy #ukraine #katerynasemchuk #igorburdyga #ukrainianjournalists
@zephyrleifrenner @MaksiSanctum @augieray @neroden Good God no. Rely, definitely not. I’m listening to #oliverBullough Butler To The World & London banking system in 1950’s “relying” on doing the right thing…oy; rules should exist for a reason
What I’m saying is #empathy actually, inadvertently in this case, a survival instinct which not necessarily par for course regarding empathetic acts
Yes this mass sociopathy is..not good, but as you say ~consequences
"..having lost that role as the biggest bully on the block, we needed a new thing to do & we still knew how to be the biggest bully on the block so we could sell bullying services - or butlering Services as I call it - to other people."
#OliverBullough, author of "#ButlerToTheWorld: How #Britain Helps the World's Worst People Launder Money, Commit Crimes, and Get Away with Anything''
#ÉvasionFiscale #oligarques #BlanchimentDArgent #livres #RoyaumeUni #kleptocratie
#kleptocratie #royaumeuni #livres #blanchimentdargent #oligarques #evasionfiscale #britain #butlertotheworld #oliverbullough
"..having lost that role as the biggest bully on the block, we needed a new thing to do & we still knew how to be the
biggest bully on the block so we could sell bullying services - or butlering Services as I call it - to other people."
#OliverBullough, author of "#ButlerToTheWorld: How #Britain Helps the World's Worst People Launder Money, Commit Crimes, and Get Away with Anything''
#ÉvasionFiscale #oligarques #BlanchimentDArgent #livres #RoyaumeUni #kleptocratie
#kleptocratie #royaumeuni #livres #blanchimentdargent #oligarques #evasionfiscale #britain #butlertotheworld #oliverbullough