Tatakai no Yoru e Notte di Lotta
#MundoRetro #Asianometry #fujitsu #histria #Mainframes #MSDOS #nec #NECPC9801 #Olivetti
#olivetti #necpc9801 #nec #msdos #mainframes #Histria #fujitsu #asianometry #mundoretro
Signori, sono andato a trovare l'#olivetti Elea 9003 a Bibbiena, sta bene ed è probabilmente il più vecchio supercomputer a transistor ancora funzionante, nonché uno dei primi ad uscire sul mercato.
Se siete della zona cercano collaboratori!
Oggi portiamo alla vostra attenzione un vero prodigio con un pizzico di nostalgia, il #RetroComputing tutto italiano: #Olivetti: Programma 101 (P101). Fu progettato fra il 1962 ed il 1964. Era il primo PC, o meglio il tassello mancante nella catena evolutiva fra computer da tavolo e calcolatrice. Non aveva ancora lo schermo, ma non gli mancava lo stile.
Si dice che ci siano ancora un paio di P101 funzionanti(!) nei musei (e perché no, in qualche ufficio pubblico)
#retrocomputing #olivetti #retro
Any #Typewriter fan here? Just got an old #olivetti but the type guide in misaligned. Also making these "waves" above the letters.
Des fans de #machineaecrire par ici ? J'ai eu cette vielle #olivetti mais le guide du ruban n'est pas aligné.
#typewriter #olivetti #machineaecrire
I restructured the page about the manuals in the #Olivetti #M20 website. There are now 41 manuals available, divided in categories: http://www.z80ne.com/m20/index.php?argument=sections/manuals/manuals.inc #retrocomputing
#olivetti #m20 #retrocomputing
I updated the pages on the #Olivetti #M20 with some new disk images: http://www.z80ne.com/m20/index.php?argument=sections/download/wrm20/wrm20.inc BTW a list of the changes to the website is here: http://www.z80ne.com/m20/index.xml #retrocomputing
#olivetti #m20 #retrocomputing
Thanks to the contribution of friends devoted to sharing information about the #Olivetti #M20, I put online new manuals and material about that computer. I am especially excited about the high resolution scans of the original Olivetti #schematics: http://www.z80ne.com/m20/index.php?argument=sections/hack/schematics/schematics.inc #retrocomputing
#olivetti #m20 #schematics #retrocomputing
The shocking failures of #Telecom and #Olivetti (both went within a few years from world leaders to struggling to produce anything that anybody would bother to buy) are loud examples of why Italy is a bad country for technology and innovation - and why it keeps bleeding engineers and scientists to this day.
I guess one day I'll write a bit more about how the macroscopic mismanagement of awful businessmen like Tronchetti Provera, years of buy-and-sell-and-reshuffle games, selling off assets and muddy public/private bundles that took the worst of the two worlds have caused the demise of both the companies. Some stories need to be told to ensure that future innovators won't repeat the same mistakes.
Of course Dieter Rams uses an Olivetti Valentine typewriter ...
Still from the opening frames of Gary Hustwit's documentary "Rams"
(also pleased to see that Dieter's a fellow member of the "can't type worth shit" club)
#typewriter #design #DieterRams #olivetti #ofcourse
Not the #Olivetti I was hoping to find today, but still neat to see nonetheless!
#olivetti #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #typewriter #yardsales
:kare_mac: TROUVAILLES GRAPHIQUES / Les visuels pour Olivetti réalisés par Giovanni Pintori #graphicdesign #posters #olivetti #typography #GiovanniPintori
#giovannipintori #typography #olivetti #posters #graphicdesign
Vengono fuori anche questi, non ho mai capito come fece #olivetti a fare un Prodest 128 e un Prodest PC1 (ms dos compatibile) incompatibili fra di loro.
La pazzia di una azienda per cui si spende troppe poche parole
#retrogaming #retrocomputer
#olivetti #retrogaming #retrocomputer
🎧 #Olivetti Programma 101 & ELEA 9003
✅Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3hq7dYj
✅YouTube: https://youtu.be/SLhwW9z8Fiw
Compared to opening the #Tandy #Model100 or the #NEC #PC-8201a, the #Olivetti M10 is a dream.
I've got a bit of recapping in my future. And some memory to make. And a battery to replace :)
#tandy #model100 #NEC #pc #olivetti #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #electronics #m100
My family's first "IBM Compatible" PC was an #Olivetti 286. I spent so many hours on that thing.
Amazing to think how much faster and more connected today's tech is.
L'inventore del P101 ci spiega il perché l'Italia è relegata ad essere un perenne "follower".
Pier Giorgio #Perotto (per chi non conosce questo nome), è stato un pioniere italiano dell'elettronica, che negli anni 60 quando lavorava presso la #Olivetti, guidò il team di progettazione che costruì il #Programma 101 (o #P101), il primo #computer #desktop della storia.
Ma scopriamo tutto questo nell'articolo su RHC.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#Perotto #olivetti #programma #P101 #computer #desktop #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity