@ratfactor I'm sad #OpenFirmware never caught on in the Linux space. It was a lot of fun to mess with on #OLPC machines. Certainly much more fun than grub/u-boot/libreboot/etc.
@donncha @bertspace I volunteered for One Laptop Per Child in 2007 because it was a promising opportunity to demystify computing for the next generation of coders.
#OLPC didn't reach the same scale of the #C64, but it was worth trying.
I'm in the process of moving my notes from #Evernote to #OneNote. It's turning out to be quite a trip down memory lane.
I signed up to Evernote almost 15 years (!!) ago in August 2008 and have been a semi-frequent user ever since. So, in the migration process, I'm stumbling across:
* notes from interviews I did on #OLPC in 2010
* ideas for apps I had in 2012
* preparation for multiple backpacking trips
* Recipes from 2015
Needless to say, this migration is taking longer than expected. 😜
@bazcurtis @Cloudguy I’m still in touch with my elementary school math teacher that introduced me to the #Commodore64. I slightly repaid the favor thirty years later by rehabilitating a collection of #OLPC XO laptops for her to bring to kids in Africa
With GPT-4, new #EdTech is around the corner or even being rolled-out. I already saw the term “Learning 6.0”…
Which is a nice occasion to read again “Education as loosely coupled system of technology and pedagogy” Andy Hediger and I wrote in 2021 (which feels like 2 decades ago) for _on-education:
There is no sense in assigning version numbers to education!
You *have* to consider #pedagogy, else your shiny new edtech will fail gloriously and become the next #OLPC
@mwichary Oh yeah, #OLPC as a singular project is dead, though fragments and fractals live on: https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/16/17233946/olpcs-100-laptop-education-where-is-it-now
Y'all should also donate to One Laptop Per Child https://laptop.org/make-a-donation/?cause_id=8112 My son is fortunate to have one of these laptops, and he basically learned to read and type on it. He's five years old now, and when he was three and four, he walked around and typed around what he saw around him into the computer and had it read the words back to him. Also, I used TurtleArt to write programs for him to create art with. Lots of fun, and a great way for kids to learn. #education #olpc #forkids
@evan I use an #OLPC for /only/ two purposes: reading long PDFs & flashcards. I have a smartphone, desktop, & laptop, which are suitable for short PDFs but not long ones. It’s more relaxing to the eyes to get away from the backlit LCD, go outside, and read off epaper- which is nearly as good as reading hardcopy paper.
@tebicat CForth and OpenFirmware!
The #OpenFirmware [1] #Forth (used to be called "forthmacs"?) is a very good one. It's 100% native (no C there), has fancy things like indentation and syntax highlighting and shit and the #OLPC
Forth lessons [2] work with it.
Now that it's not used as a firmware in new platforms it is falling a bit behind. You need 32-bit toolchain to build the Linux loader, but the kernel has no C in it.
CForth [3] is done by the same person. It should be similar, but takes a shortcut at platform support by just using C libraries. Which is practical, but not beautiful.
[1] https://github.com/MitchBradley/openfirmware
[2] https://wiki.laptop.org/go/Forth_Lessons
[3] https://github.com/MitchBradley/cforth
The #OLPC #CL1 #xo-1 was a unique #laptop that was easy to repair. Here are some videos that OLPC Austrailia made about it. https://vimeo.com/olpcau
I think the #framework laptop is an amazing product as well.
#olpc #cl1 #xo #laptop #framework
Back in 2010, I interviewed an #OLPC developer in #Paraguay. Thanks in advance for updates on what is left of that project today https://stop.zona-m.net/2010/04/olpc-in-paraguay-educates-both-little-kids-and-teenagers
@aquigley I had a tangential involvement with the project. Less well known is that many big computer companies put a lot of effort to fight the OLPC project making a big impact (Intel/Microsoft) because they feared the global south being a user-base of free software/hardware. They put pressure on local governments not to join the #OLPC project. Intel passed on supplying the CPU. But made the 'classmate' in South America to compete with a Humanitarian project.
Copy & Pasting from the "One laptop per child" #OLPC and the "One tablet per child" #OTPC policy of Pheu Thai
The Digital & Censorship Ministry (#MDES) in Thailand now also plans to distribute 13M free laptops to students under its #SmartThailand scheme.
#olpc #otpc #mdes #smartthailand
The #OLPC comes to mind. I remember being quite sick hearing Negroponte’s self serving (get the cash) reasons for being involved in this.
Wasting a lot of resources and people with good intentions time in the process.
"Once Upon A Time in Mesh Networking"
Proving that you could mesh network an entire village using a handful of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) with 10W solar panels to power them and a single WiMAX connection for internet connectivity to the entire village's mesh network.
#OnceUponATime #wimax #mesh #olpc