The Dead South waren magnifiek 👌 en dat voorprogramma kon ik ook wel pruimen. Tejon Street Corner Thieves, check ze! #olt
A view from the river Olt valley, as it was before the '70s. Now the big stone known as "Trajan's Table" is submerged under the river, after the construction of a string of dams along the valley.
Ink in my sketchbook, based on a very old postcard
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt #art #FigurativeArt #ArtBooster #landscape #PenAndInk #sketch #drawing #railroad #mountains #boulder #river #Olt #ValeaOltului #Calimanesti #Romania #nostalgic #history
#MastoArt #mastodonart #fediart #art #figurativeart #artbooster #landscape #penandink #sketch #drawing #railroad #mountains #boulder #river #olt #valeaoltului #calimanesti #Romania #nostalgic #history
Das ist mal ein Board mit zwei SFP Slot. :-) / Wenn ich nur ... #OLT
MYD-JX8MMA7 Development Board
Kennt jemand eine Open Source Implementierung eines OLT (GPON)?
Bonus Photo of the Day 2020-03-06.
D-ICRL, Swearingen SA226-TC Metro II, OLT, at Brussels Airport, 24th September 1996.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #brussels #bru #ebbr #swearingen #sa226 #metro #olt
#olt #metro #sa226 #swearingen #ebbr #bru #brussels #potd #planespotting #avgeek