Tonight we go try some #OlympicWeightlifting instead of the usual #wod.
#olympicweightlifting #wod #crossfit #crossfitlife
Chemical engineer by training and profession. Spent my last working decade in the network and transport layers, plus security architecture. Retired now.
Never used the bird, ran from the faceplant and tightly constrain other social. Watched #Explore here for a bit and found interesting and welcoming positivity. Hoping to find a community to exchange and discuss ideas.
Fan of science fiction and original research in mammalian biology, microbiology and systems/network biology.
#biology #microbiology #systemsbiology #networkmedicine #ecoevo #pleiotropy #mechanisms #hiking #olympicweightlifting
#introduction #explore #biology #microbiology #systemsbiology #NetworkMedicine #ecoevo #pleiotropy #mechanisms #hiking #olympicweightlifting
Competed yesterday.
As in previous cycle, I had a drop in the 5th micro, which was last week, but came out of it in the 6th, and then had a day off before competition.
In the end I was a decent condition, but not really peak I think. A missed second snatch attempt prevented me of going after a PR, but if I had it would have been 1kg, maybe 2, not really more. Clean & jerk was interesting, opened the heaviest I ever did, I had a very good feeling for the jerks, but cleans were a bit hard. Tried to go for a heavy, 3kg PR 3rd attempt, in order to also get my total PR instead of simply going for a more conservative 1kg C&J PR, but a hard recovery from the clean disrupted my usual clean-to-jet set-up and I couldn’t put it overhead.
So, results are a little bit under last comp, but there are positives:
Now, in term of my programming experiment, my conclusion is that I was indeed coming out of the usual 5th micro dip in form, but really I think I was about the same level as last comp, and I probably would have needed a few additional microcycles to be in better condition. So I would say that a 3-week cycle is doable to be in decent condition, but a bit too short to get in peak condition, 4, probably 5 weeks would allow more time to get there. Depending on what the head coach decides, next comp will be in 6 or 11 weeks, so that fits pretty well, and I am really looking forward to that. A 260 total really feels like something I could push towards.
Another positive is that I am really enjoying enormously the intellectual process of implementing the Bondarchuk Method to Olympic weightlifting. This has really given me a whole new perspective on programming that aligns pretty well with my approach to training, competing and the relation between both.
#AlwaysBeNoobin #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting
Started a new training cycle last week. This will be a really short one this time, after a 11-week one, this will be just a lighter 3-weeks cycle, up to the next competition, less heavier strength work, more technical work. Bit of a gamble, if sport form follow its usual timeline, I should be just entering peak condition in the days of the competition, but if it take even a few days more, I will be competing in diminished form. I'll see how it goes, take my lessons from it and do better afterward.
Snatch pull+Snatch up to 3×(1+1) @97kg
Clean+frontsquat+jerk up 2×(1+1+1) @120kg
Frontsquats* up top 3×2 @130kg
Some hips accessories
Snatch push-presses + overhead squats up to 3×(2+2) @90kg
Clean pulls* up to 4×2 @140kg
Backsquats* up to 3×3 @150kg
Some core accessories
#AlwaysBeNoobin #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting
And competition done!
Considering I've only done some competition lifts for the last three weeks, I guess that hitting a 1kg competition PR in the snatch, a 4kg PR in the clean and jerk and a 5kg total PR is a decent result. I even got my club's headcoach to admit that what I do actually works, despite the doubts and criticism he stated during an actually pretty deep conversation about programming paradigms earlier, which I did by quoting him himself: "I am not saying you're wrong, but I know I am right". That felt pretty good.
Also, that was my first time competing as a master athlete, and so I took the master national records from a guy who was also competing. That was a very nice battle with a lot of back-and-forth. Between the two of us, records were broken ten times. It really drove my performance and I had a lot of fun, maybe the most I ever had in a competition.
So, real positive, now I will see how I recover from all that in the coming days and if I can take part in the next one and break records again.
#olympicweightlifting #weightlifting
And another week done.
Reintroduced the olympic lifts for the first time since the end of Nov. First on Mon., snatch doubles, feeling my way up to a few 70%, then clean & jerk up a some at 70%, then on Thu. I planned to do the same up to about 75%, but things felt decent, so I ended up at 80% in the snatch, and 85% in the C&J. Could have cleaned more, but decided not the take too much of a chance in the jerk.
I can feel the strength is there from the pulls, squats and jerk drives of the last two months. Unsurprisingly, overhead position is still a big dodgy as I haven’t worked on it. But my elbow has survived and is still getting better, so I am ok.
And so, I registered for a competition in two weeks. I would expect to be back to 88-90% next week, which is decent basis to go and compete.
#olympicweightlifting #weightlifting
Just finished going over training data from last week. As is now usual, I’ve gone through a though 5th microcycle with the current set of exercises, but bounced right back up for the 6th micro, with data showing that even with even more clarity than for the 1st set of exercise which was used during the first part of my current training cycle. I mean, look at those graphs of training data, if that is not an obvious drop followed by a bounce back, I don’t know what is!
I am really enjoying the predictive nature of what I am doing atm. I have had cycles that fell flat and did not drive any growth, but every time a cycle worked, it showed that similar patterns with that dip in the 5th micro, then a quick grow to a peak in the following micros. So it seems I am going to have a good time training this week and the next.
Now, my elbow is still bothering me but keeps getting better, I will still work on it this week to get it to recover, and I hope to get back to the competition lifts next week.
Current set of exercises is as follow:
Session 1:
5×3 Deficit snatch pull
10×1 Frontsquat OTM
Session 2:
5×3 Jerk drive
3×(1×2,1×6) Backsquats
#olympicweightlifting #weightlifting
First session of 5th microcycle in the bag. I won't collect objectives measures before next week-end, but a subjective self-evaluation would "shit, weights are damn heavy and I am sluggish".
I guess this seems to be yet another indication of the 5th micro dip in form. Still need confirmation with more objective measurement though, as I've had surprises in the past in terms of subjective and objective measures not being aligned.
#olympicweightlifting #weightlifting
2 weeks/4 microcyles of specific preparation done. Feared for the beginning of the past week at first due to a big lack of decent sleep, but managed to put acceptable sessions in. I haven’t analysed the videos and gathered objective data about it yet though, will do that on Mon. as usual.
Now, from my datas, at 2 micro/week, 5th microcycle usually shows a dip of performance, so I might expect hard sessions on Mon. and Tue., but I am experimenting with training cycle structure I haven’t done before, so I’m not really sure what will happen, but I am curious!
Elbow is slowly getting better, but rn still recovering from PT session on Wed. am really hoping I will be able to get back to the competition lifts in about 3 weeks as planned.
#olympicweightlifting #weightlifting
I have a really hard time understanding why the clean high pull is so used in #crossfit while being very rarely used in #OlympicWeightlifting from which it comes. Every time I see it used, I only see it reinforcing bad habits… 🤔
#olympicweightlifting #crossfit
I have a really hard time understanding why the clean high pull is so used in #crossfit while being very rarely used in #OlympicWeightlifting from which it comes. Every time I see it, I can only see it reinforcing bad habits… 🤔
#olympicweightlifting #crossfit
#olympicweightlifting changed my life: before, I just wanted to kill someone during the day. Now, I try some heavy #snatch or #deadlift to kill myself. And this made all difference.
#olympicweightlifting #snatch #deadlift #mentalhealth
100kg PR #deadlift for me this morning! Been keeping in the 90s for a long time, but 95kg felt good today so decided to go for it. #crossfit #girlswholift #Olympicweightlifting Happy Wednesday! 😎💯💪🏻🏋️♂️
#deadlift #crossfit #girlswholift #olympicweightlifting
New #introduction.
Probably should have done it sooner.
So, here we go. I’m Arcans: historian turned public librarian, hammer thrower turned weightlifter, and have recently been taking my first steps as a coach too.
I have wide-ranging interests, many of which I have had to reluctantly accept that even with coffee, I have absolutely no-time to spend on, just enough to follow from afar : natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, history, sports and in particular strength sports, reading & writing, tech, languages, boardgames, and so on…
I can communicate in English and French, and can dabble in Dutch and Toki Pona.
I have been in the fediverse since spring 2017, and on h.t since the end of 2019.
#Libraries #Librarian #LibrariansOfMastodon #Weightlifting #OlympicWeightlifting #StrengthSports #Books #Reading #Science #NaturalSciences #SocialScience #Humanities #Histodons #Languages #Boardgames
#boardgames #languages #histodons #humanities #socialscience #naturalsciences #science #reading #books #StrengthSports #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting #librariansofmastodon #librarian #libraries #introduction
#introductions tijd voor de pinned post op mijn profiel.
Momenteel ben ik (45) woonachtig in #Almada, op 7km trammen van #Lissabon in #Portugal, met #poes Fifty Shady.
Ben momenteel het meest actief als #vertaler (EN/NL), #schrijver, #tekstschrijver, #copywriter en werk ik voor twee grote vertaalbureaus. #Roman in aanbouw.
Vrije tijd tags: #nporadio2 #3fm #radioliefhebber #crossfit #olympicweightlifting #surfen #fotografie #socialmedia #literatuur #boeken #stadswandelingen @translators
#Introductions #almada #Lissabon #portugal #poes #vertaler #schrijver #tekstschrijver #copywriter #roman #nporadio2 #3fm #radioliefhebber #crossfit #olympicweightlifting #surfen #Fotografie #socialmedia #literatuur #boeken #stadswandelingen