Be happy for this moment.
This moment is your life.
Ловушки, ямы на моем пути.
Их Бог расставил. И велел идти.
И все предвидел. И меня оставил.
И судит тот, кто не хотел спасти!
© Омар Хайям
The result was that the existing Zoroastrian calendar, of 365 days, was permitted to be used for exclusively secular purposes, while holidays and religious observances would be set by the Lunar Hijri calendar. Iranian Zoroastrians eventually stopped adding extra months, but Indian Zoroastrians did it once more.
Fast forward to 457 AH, and Malik-Shah entrusts the great scholar, astronomer, and mathematician #OmarKhayyam with improving the calendar.
Thanks to #OmarKhayyam's sterling work, people in #Iran and #Afghanistan wait until the middle of spring to get a new year. If nothing else, they can save some money by buying them at a discount.
#omarkhayyam #iran #afghanistan
#SaudiArabia used the #LunarHijriCalendar for all official purposes until the 1950s. At some point, it was decided to switch to a #SolarCalendar to reduce the frequency of monthly salary payments, thus saving the government money.
Arabia adopted the Gregorian calendar, which is used throughout the world, partly because it would make #commerce easier. #OmarKhayyam had invented better calendars, but money talks and Arabians are apparently OK with Christians than the wrong type of Muslims.
#saudiarabia #lunarhijricalendar #solarcalendar #commerce #omarkhayyam
Edmund Joseph Sullivan (1869-1933)
illustration for The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,1913
Though there are many MANY translations of varying accuracy, few of us will be able to read the original as it was intended, and I like the quote from one of the translators, who claimed that though his version was not a literal translation, "Better a live Sparrow than a stuffed Eagle."
#Illustration #sun #stars #EdmundJosephSullivan #OmarKhayyam #ArtHistory #tanslation
#illustration #sun #stars #edmundjosephsullivan #omarkhayyam #arthistory #tanslation
GHIYATH ALDIN ABU L FATH OMAR IBN IBRAHIM JAYYAM NISHABURÍ (18 de mayo de 1048 - 4 de diciembre de 1131) #OmarKhayyam
Cuando hayamos muerto,
no habrá ya rosas ni cipreses,
ni labios rojos ni vino perfumado;
tampoco habrá ni penas ni alegrías,
ni auroras ni crepúsculos.
El universo se aniquilará,
puesto que su realidad depende
tan sólo
de nuestro pensamiento.
Omar Khayyam:
Persischer Mathematiker, Astronom, Philosoph und Dichter - *Mai 1048 in Nischapur
verehrt + verfolgt
Vermutlich Nummer 4.760.814.991 der Weltbevölkerung
Meister der 4-Zeiler:
Die Kröten krochen mit azurnen Bäuchen,
Die Tannen weinten weißen Morgentau,
Und aus den Teichen, Wolken und Gesträuchen
Trat blau der Himmel, sanft wie eine Frau.
Wer wissen möchte, welche Nummer der Weltbevölkerung Frau/Mann ist - hier...>
GHIYATH ALDIN ABU L FATH OMAR IBN IBRAHIM JAYYAM NISHABURÍ (18 de mayo de 1048 - 4 de diciembre de 1131) #OmarKhayyam
GHIYATH ALDIN ABU L FATH OMAR IBN IBRAHIM JAYYAM NISHABURÍ (18 de mayo de 1048 - 4 de diciembre de 1131) #OmarKhayyam
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
Omar Khayyám / Edward FitzGerald