Devi & The Battle of Meghadhanush will be with you shortly. My first novel and first book for children. A #RasaBhugola adventure. Also an Indian #EmotionalSelfRegulation tool for #mentalhealth
With #ombooksdelhi #comingsoon #books #childrensbooks #YA #author #booklaunch #MastIndia #Indianbooks #navrasas
#navrasas #indianbooks #mastindia #author #Booklaunch #ya #childrensbooks #books #comingsoon #ombooksdelhi #deviandthebattleofmeghadhanush #mentalhealth #emotionalselfregulation #rasabhugola #coverreveal
Devi & The Battle of Meghadhanush will be with you shortly. My first novel and first book for children. A #RasaBhugola adventure. Also an Indian #EmotionalSelfRegulation tool for #mentalhealth
With #ombooksdelhi #comingsoon #books #childrensbooks #YA
#ya #childrensbooks #books #comingsoon #ombooksdelhi #deviandthebattleofmeghadhanush #mentalhealth #emotionalselfregulation #rasabhugola #coverreveal