@dazmoriarty The normy masses are using tools designed to pawn them to access services that are designed to pawn them. No ethical operation has much hope in competing with that. I think an underdog who wants to succeed should forget about the masses & find a way to target that small fraction of those who are non-stop disturbed with the status quo, like Tor users. #Ombrelo is the only contender.
@dazmoriarty I did a search for a recipe, and 4 of the 1st 7 results were #Cloudflare sites. So, #Neeva is certainly not as useful as #Ombrelo.
Now if I open a dozen or so tabs for search results on a recipe using a search service (other than #Ombrelo), I get around ~2-3 usable pages. Because cooking sites are scared shitless that a robot might get their recipe -- which of course only a human fucking being would find useful.
Indeed, #Ombrelo is here now:
It’s already happened to some extent. #Ombrelo is a search engine that excludes #Cloudflare websites from the results. There’s nothing to stop someone from creating a search service that filters out other varieties of garbage.
It’s precisely the profit-driven world that creates the need to filter out garbage.
@ksbex @Wildduck @48kRAM @realSiegfried
The #Yandex and #Metager search engine is foss, iwrc, so please get started, #techLayoffs folk.
BTW in the meantime the CloudFlare-free search engine, #Ombrelo, that puts all sites that are cf'd at the bottom of the page with a red strikethrough, does a surpisingly good job of removing chaff. Litetally just by purging cf with '#CFDomains'.
#yandex #metager #techlayoffs #ombrelo #cfDomains
@roach @ChrisPirillo There are several good reasons to ditch #DuckDuckGo here: http://techrights.org/2021/03/15/duckduckgo-in-2021/ If privacy is the goal, then I suggest #Ombrelo.
@utopify_org Sorry, I’ve just been told that the clearnet version of #Ombrelo shows you local news. So if you don’t want negative news from Ombrelo it looks like you have 2 options: use the onion version, or relocate to an area where the local news less negative.
@utopify_org #Ombrelo: http://ombrelo.x66j7jej74efeulffzy3hu3p4dtfruiwb3vv6ec7b5bxlkogxw5vnpid.onion/
Digital rights folks- pledge: “I will stop donating money to civil liberties, privacy, & digital rights orgs who continue to maintain #Twitter, #Facebook & #LinkedIn links on their public websites.” Instead, donate to an org that is actually aligned with the values they claim to be supporting. Your money will go further in the hands of specific projects like #Ombrelo.
#ombrelo #linkedin #facebook #twitter
@SuperDicq As big as EFF is, yet not having enough competence to keep FB, Twitter, Instagram links off their public website, it’s embarrassing to the movement. I think donating to #EFF is pissing in the wind. If you give EFF $100, they will blow it on the salaries of people standing around a coffee pot. If you give $100 to the #Ombrelo project, it will finance their server a few more months.
@nicfab That list should be expanded. They say “Removal of private data from search requests comes in three forms”, but they overlook the fact that search results often contain privacy-abusing links. Addition needed: 4. Filters privacy-abusing sites out of results (e.g. Cloudflare). #Ombrelo is an example of a search engine that does that.
@blacklight @thelinuxEXP Ombrelo saves me time because CF sites are treated as irrelevant. It still gives tor-hostile results though, so I have to go back & click on favicons to get mirrored versions of some sites. But #Ombrelo is the king of privacy respecting search because it knows the needs of the audience & no other search service has put user needs above Google & Microsoft.
@thelinuxEXP @blacklight My workflow is to click down the list and open ~4—10 tabs & then run through the junk & hit control-w on the dysfunctional/garbage sites to get down to 1 or 2 that are fit. The search service should be doing that for me. Why doesn’t it? It’s because privacy seekers are in such a minority that no search service (except #Ombrelo) is willing to serve such a small audience.
@dsfgs @frankie @csddumi I never tried to find the #Ombrelo source code but if it’s ever pointed out to me I will be sure to preserve a copy. Supposedly there’s a path to it from the umbrella icon. The clearnet site is not reliable. Sometimes it’s deliberate (to get people on Tor) & sometimes I think they cut costs by bringing it down.
BTW @koherecoWatchdog,
You mentioned #Ombrelo Search. We love it too but recently we've not been able to find a clearnet address. We don't care about the clearnet one bit, but it helped us to talk about it, and redirect to the long and painful-to-type #HSv3 address. Maybe we will have to sit down and type the HSv3.
@frankie @csddumi There is only 1 search service that filters Cloudflare sites from the top results: #Ombrelo. And indeed I would ditch DDG. See http://techrights.org/2021/03/15/duckduckgo-in-2021/
@PublicLewdness@freespeechextremist.com #Ombrelo is what I had in mind, but searx instances are good too.
@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo 🎉 #Ombrelo is back up. IIUC, the operators did not know if the Ombrelo website was being used (because they log nothing whatsoever & there’s not much social media chatter about it). For the moment Ombrelo is back up after downtime complaints.