Picture of me at the weekly management meeting. 16 people and I the only one still wearing a mask. And the lady next to me couldn't stop coughing...
#covidisnotover #maskup #OmegaMan #GodIhopetheseidiotsdontkillme
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #omegaman #godihopetheseidiotsdontkillme
@BlackAzizAnansi Basically I have decided that I am the #OmegaMan and the other side is #TheFamily. There could be no compromise.
Lincoln Kilpatrick, who played the ill-fated brother Zachary, in #OmegaMan, ALSO played the ill-fated priest alongside Charlton Heston in #SoylentGreen. Man. #TCMParty
#omegaman #soylentgreen #TCMParty
The Occidental Tower. Back in the early 1990s, the Medicare contractor for SoCal had its headquarter there (as part of Transamerica Occidental), and I visited frequently for work. Who occupies it now? USC? #OmegaMan #TCMParty https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/citydig-the-loneliest-skyscraper-in-los-angeles/
The problem with the #Woodstock movie is it’s much longer than you realize. And now it’s too late! Hope the traffic on the mad dash home isn’t too heavy! #OmegaMan #TCMParty
#woodstock #omegaman #TCMParty
So, I drive around LA in the mornings shooting at mutants, then I go binge on peace and love in the #Woodstock movie. That’s Heston, all right. #OmegaMan #TCMParty
#woodstock #omegaman #TCMParty