Gizmodo: AREA15 Is the Gateway to Immersive Entertainment in Las Vegas #universalshalloweenhorrornights #interactiveart #winstonfisher #omegamart #ptbarnum #meowwolf #area15 #area15 #ground #disney #omega #boy
#universalshalloweenhorrornights #interactiveart #winstonfisher #omegamart #ptbarnum #meowwolf #area15 #ground #disney #omega #boy
Some products we found on the shelves at #omegamart at #meowwolf a couple weeks ago. Loved this place so very much!
NEW! AwesomeCast 642: Apple Vision CPAP w/ @sorgatron @Dudders @Chilla @profpod
#AutodriveChallengeII #GOO #BajaSAE #MeowWolf #OmegaMart #LasVegas #8bitdo #Xbox #StreetFighter6 #PhysicalTherapy #AppleVisionPro #WWDC #M2MacPro #MacMiniStudio
#autodrivechallengeii #goo #bajasae #meowwolf #omegamart #lasvegas #8bitdo #xbox #streetfighter6 #physicaltherapy #applevisionpro #wwdc #m2macpro #macministudio
It’s Friday, but don’t get a head of yourself… The weekend will be here soon!
#lasvegas #art #photography #omegamart #on1pics
#lasvegas #art #photography #omegamart #on1pics
I also made this Neo's version of The Omega Mart logo for an old project #NeosVR #OmegaMart
Omega Mart at Area 15 - Another Meow Wolf exhibit you must see. The creativity here is amazing with light, sound and physical / interactive media. I wish i could spend an entire day in some of these rooms :) Don’t forget to ask for a “boop” card if you visit.
#meowwolf #omegamart #art #music #multimedia