oh yeah. and my point was: are we going to let them? have you given up? i haven't. i will thrive to kick profit making people eating machines from our spaces.
hence, no i don't think we should just jump from the #redhat frying pan into the #opensuse fire. fuck them. trust in each other, lets build the commons together and manage it together, for the benefit of everyone.
#redhat #opensuse #omniasuntcommunia
Maledetti Pacifisti http://www.euronomade.info/?p=15539 #OmniaSuntCommunia #atlantismo #ucraina #Guerra #Russia #Pace
#omniasuntcommunia #atlantismo #ucraina #guerra #russia #pace
Una prova pratica di antifascismo http://www.euronomade.info/?p=15448 #OmniaSuntCommunia #antifascismo #Migranti #Guerra #Scuola
#omniasuntcommunia #antifascismo #migranti #guerra #scuola
Il senso dei futuri possibili http://www.euronomade.info/?p=15423 #OmniaSuntCommunia #FredericJameson #Utopia #Bloch
#omniasuntcommunia #FredericJameson #utopia #Bloch
Il corpo delle donne al centro di una rivoluzione http://www.euronomade.info/?p=15379 #OmniaSuntCommunia #donne #Iran
#iran #donne #omniasuntcommunia
"Commoners today repudiate the progressive role of capital, demand control over the decisions that most affect their lives, assert their capacity for self-government, and reject the imposition of a unitary model of social and cultural life, in the spirit of the Zapatistas' 'One No, and Many Yeses,' that is, many roads to the common, corresponding to our different historic and cultural trajectories and environmental conditions." Re-enchanting The World: feminism and the politics of the commons. #SilviaFederici #Zapatistas #Commons #OmniaSuntCommunia
#silviafederici #zapatistas #commons #omniasuntcommunia
El 1525 els camperols alemanys liderats per Thomas Müntzer van aixecar la bandera amb l'arc de Sant Martí com un dels símbols de la seva revolució en la qual volien recuperar les comunitats de béns que seguien els primers cristians (llibre Fets dels Apòstols). #OmniaSuntCommunia
Epigrafe hauek ditu irakurketan erabat murgilduta naukan liburuak. ☘️
#Astelehenak #irakurketak #omniasuntcommunia
nilocram su Twitter: "I #20annidiQ visti dai suoi lettori https://t.co/4RI0rPuqJ3 #WuMing #letture #OmniaSuntCommunia… "
#20annidiq #wuming #letture #omniasuntcommunia
Egunerokoaren borrokan behar dugun #ereserkia
GUre egingo dugu ere
@teketen @Talaioskoop @Olatukoop
#OmniaSuntCommunia #ESE
#Meta* #Oparotasuna!
«Bakoitzak urraturik berea
denon artean geurea
etengabe gabiltza zabaltzen
gizatasunari bidea.
Inon ez inor menpekorikan
nor bere buruaren jabe
herri guztioak bat eginikan
ez gabiltza gerorik gabe.
Batek goserikan diraueno
ez gara gu asetuko
beste bat loturik deino
ez gara libre izango.»
#ereserkia #omniasuntcommunia #ese #meta #oparotasuna