Well this is an incredible and welcome surprise! Thank you Penderyn Prize for considering "Some New Kind of Kick " on the Longlist! #PenderynPrize2023 #wow #kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #musicbook #memoir #OmnibusPress #HachetteBooks #thecramps #googoomuck #gunclub #nickcaveandthebadseeds #pinkmonkeybirds
#penderynprize2023 #wow #kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #musicbook #memoir #omnibuspress #hachettebooks #thecramps #googoomuck #gunclub #nickcaveandthebadseeds #pinkmonkeybirds
Had a wonderful and great conversation with Zachary Lipez in The Washington Post . He even got Nick Cave to comment ! https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2022/10/28/kid-congo-powers-memoir/
. #kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #washingtonPost #zacharyLipez #memoir #thegunclub #thecramps #nickcave #badseeds #chicano #queer #guitarist #hachettebooks #omnibuspress #musicmemoir #lapuente #SGV
#kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #washingtonpost #zacharylipez #memoir #thegunclub #thecramps #nickcave #badseeds #chicano #queer #guitarist #hachettebooks #omnibuspress #musicmemoir #lapuente #sgv
Loved talking to Daniel Dylan Wray from The Guardian about my book . #kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #theguardian #danieldylanwray #memoir #thegunclub #thecramps #nickcave #badseeds #chicano #queer #guitarist #hachettebooks #omnibuspress #musicmemoir #lapuente #sgv https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/oct/17/kid-congo-powers-interview-cramps-gun-club-nick-cave-bad-seeds
#kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #theguardian #danieldylanwray #memoir #thegunclub #thecramps #nickcave #badseeds #chicano #queer #guitarist #hachettebooks #omnibuspress #musicmemoir #lapuente #sgv
Feel honored and thrilled that my memoir Some New Kind of Kick is on #MojoMagazine 2022 year end Best Books list in the finest company! Thank you ! #OmnibusPress for releasing it in the UK and #HachetteBooks in the US #kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #memoir #thecramps #gunclub #nickcave #badseeds #bestof #books #photos #nonfiction #kidcongo #mojo #topten #autobiography
#mojomagazine #omnibuspress #hachettebooks #kidcongopowers #somenewkindofkick #memoir #thecramps #gunclub #nickcave #badseeds #bestof #books #photos #nonfiction #kidcongo #mojo #topten #autobiography