#AcceleratingKeelingCurve: the increasing synonymity between economic “#progress” and #extinction has become hard to ignore. What good, ultimately, is #workers’ control of the factories, say, if the factories are killing us all?
#Omnicide #HumanRightsViolations #FistBump #KissingerPinochetCoup #Allende
#acceleratingkeelingcurve #progress #extinction #workers #omnicide #HumanRightsViolations #fistbump #kissingerpinochetcoup #allende
Opinion: The atomic bomb laid down the marker for humanity’s era of catastrophic change https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-09-03/j-robert-oppenheimer-nuclear-weapon-anthropocene-climate-change
The lake’s record shifts abruptly in 1950, when plutonium shows up, drifting across the continent from nuclear bomb tests in Nevada and the Pacific.
#omnicide #degradedscapes #deterioratingcarbonsinks
#omnicide #capitalismiskillingeverything #gaiarising #NationalizeFossilFuels #ParisAligned #walkablecities
From: @MichaelEMann
#omnicide #capitalismiskillingeverything #gaiarising #nationalizefossilfuels #parisaligned #walkablecities
> 水俣病が新発生/カニ食べた少年,魔の禁漁区は獲り放題/なお続発の恐れ https://minamata195651.jp/pdf/news/news_1956kara1960.pdf
Like Piya in #AmitavGhosh's #TheHungryTIde, I wish I knew more about #crabs.. Maybe they have a high tolerance, or affinity, for #OrganicMercury and other heavy metals, pollutants in general? While all other cathes were going down, #crab catches went up one year during a tough time in #Minamata. #水俣 #水俣病 #チッソ #チッソ病 #ザコポレーション #水銀 #mercury #MethylMercury #TheCorporation #IndustrialCivilization #Omnicide
#omnicide #industrialcivilization #thecorporation #MethylMercury #mercury #水銀 #ザコポレーション #チッソ病 #チッソ #水俣病 #水俣 #minamata #crab #OrganicMercury #crabs #TheHungryTide #AmitavGhosh
> The rock singer Saito Kazuyoshi rewrote his own hit song, “I Always Loved You” into an attack on the government and TEPCO called “They Were Always Lies”. When he put a live recording of the song on YouTube, it was immediately blocked and could not be seen on the Internet for some time.
#NoNukes #SaitoKazuyoshi #斎藤和義 #ずっとウソだった
#ToxicArchipelago #IndustrialCivilization #Omnicide
#omnicide #industrialcivilization #ToxicArchipelago #ずっとウソだった #斎藤和義 #SaitoKazuyoshi #nonukes
> “Climate change is here, and it is causing deaths of tens of millions of people. We, the scientists, are very worried and don’t know what other language we have to express ourselves in. This is the reason for this #rebellion, carried out by scientists in 25 countries all over the world. #ClimateScience is not being heard, or at least not being converted into action.”
#ExtinctionRebellion #ScientistRebellion #DecentScience #ClimateCrisis #omnicide
#omnicide #climatecrisis #DecentScience #scientistrebellion #extinctionrebellion #climatescience #rebellion
> .. a file of shame, cataloging the empty pledges that put us firmly on track towards an #UnlivableWorld. We are on a fast track to climate disaster — major cities underwater, unprecedented heat waves, terrifying storms, widespread water shortages, the extinction of a million species of plants and animals. And this is not fiction or exaggeration. It is what science tells us will result from our current #EnergyPolicies.
#omnicide #ClimateCrisis #IPCC #FossilFuels #Oil #UN #AntónioGuterres
#antónioguterres #un #oil #fossilfuels #ipcc #climatecrisis #omnicide #EnergyPolicies #UnlivableWorld
'None of this is to say that #Putin’s invasion is justified..but calling it “unprovoked” distracts attention from the US’s own contribution to this disastrous outcome. The US ignored warnings from both #Russian and US officials that a major conflagration could erupt if the #US continued its path, and it shouldn’t be surprising that one eventually did. '
#FairOrg #BryceGreene #Nato #'USA #Omnicide #NuclearWar #Zelensky #GeorgeKennan
#georgekennan #zelensky #nuclearwar #omnicide #nato #BryceGreene #fairorg #us #russian #putin
I'm making a documentary.... newworldwar.org/update315.htm #Fracking #Mining #Flaring #WildFire #A2AD #WMD #CBRNE #TIC #TIR #UW #Ecocide #Genocide #Omnicide #Terraform #BiosphereCollapse
#flaring #wildfire #tic #fracking #tir #uw #ecocide #genocide #omnicide #terraform #BiosphereCollapse #mining #A2AD #wmd #CBRNE
Defective auto-shutoff, ignored alarms, Amplify delays reporting, #USCG responds slowly, lies=planned disaster. #UW #WMD #CBRNE #TIM #TIC #A2AD #Ecocide #Omnicide #SoftKill #Depopulation #Terraform #BiosphereCollapse https://t.co/MHimwzhCvW https://t.co/KVupbFonpq
#uscg #uw #wmd #CBRNE #tim #tic #A2AD #ecocide #omnicide #softkill #depopulation #terraform #BiosphereCollapse
The Exxon Valdez Tanker: A Conceivable Weapon of Mass Destruction newworldwar.org/updates.htm #UW #WMD #CBRNE #TIM #TIC #A2AD #Ecocide #Omnicide #SoftKill #Depopulation #Terraform #BiosphereCollapse
#uw #wmd #CBRNE #tim #tic #A2AD #ecocide #omnicide #softkill #depopulation #terraform #BiosphereCollapse
I'm making a documentary.... http://newworldwar.org/update315.htm #Fracking #Mining #Flaring #WildFire #A2AD #WMD #CBRNE #TIC #TIR #UW #Ecocide #Genocide #Omnicide #Terraform #BiosphereCollapse
#fracking #mining #flaring #wildfire #A2AD #wmd #CBRNE #tic #tir #uw #ecocide #genocide #omnicide #terraform #BiosphereCollapse