I’m a 5-12 #BandDirector in Eastern #Iowa. Follow lots of #Mac/#Apple news, blogs, and podcasts. Interested in digital #productivity, #automation, and the like (think #OmniFocus). Also a devout (if very flawed) #lcms #lutheran. #Tuba is my primary
#MusicEd #MusicEducation #MusicTech #Baseball #Hawkeyes #cfb #sfgiants
#banddirector #iowa #mac #productivity #automation #omnifocus #lcms #lutheran #tuba #musiced #musiceducation #musictech #baseball #hawkeyes #cfb #sfgiants
Using @OmniFocus to help weather the storm...literally.
#automation #taskpaper #omnifocus
Awesome to see the @OmniGroup here. I can't manage my life without #Omnifocus
@neekubee MacOS (primary), iOS, linux (my old macs all run linux, and of course my servers). #ObsidanMD #drafts #omnifocus #hookmark #fantastical #devonTHINK #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #MindNode #Omnivore #vim #vscode #iTerm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #iStatMenus #bartender #pcalc
#obsidanmd #drafts #hookmark #omnifocus #fantastical #devonthink #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #mindnode #omnivore #vim #vscode #iterm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #istatmenus #bartender #pcalc
After playing with the Task, Template, and Dataview plugins in #obsidian, it might be the thing that finally unseats #omnifocus for the app I run my life with. It's so cool that the combination of those plugins let's me turn a bunch of markdown files into any type of workflow I want.
@spinningthoughts I'd like to vote for all three at your convenience please.
I am a big fan of one time purchase software like @scrivenerapp
I think they can serve the #PKM community well for applicable uses.
There are also #obsidian
#Omnifocus4 integrations worth exploring.
Anything that helps get from research notes to published deliverables/content is a win.
#scrivener #omnifocus #omnioutliner #pkm #obsidian #ObsidianMD #omnifocus4
It’s crazy that I still use Reeder and #OmniFocus after 11 years, and that I would still use Tweetbot if it wasn’t because of Melon Musk.
The Apple Watch wasn’t a thing back then, but as an early adopter, I was already tracking my steps using one of the first Fitbit bands 😄
It’s crazy that I still use Reeder and #OmniFocus after 11 years, and that I would still use Tweetbot if it wasn’t because of Melon Musk.
There Apple Watch wasn’t a thing back then, but I was all in with Fitbit tracking my steps 😄
@milan To be quite honest, I can't even remember how I heard of them but I think once I saw local first/open source plus their mission to replace #Notion they had my attention. I know Notion is hugely popular online only app so I'm interested to see where they go with #AffinePRO . I'm also a wee bit guilty of loving to discover new #PKM software that's local first/open source with a robust free tier. I also love software that's single purchase to own like #OmniFocus or #DEVONThink or #Scrivener
#Notion #affinepro #pkm #omnifocus #devonthink #scrivener
I just downloaded an #AwesomeLogSeq theme with high contrast ultra black background. The grayish "black"themes were very difficult for me to see, so this is a real find.
#LogSeq #Obsidian #ObsidianMD #Tana #PKM #PKMS #AnyType #MemAI #Capacities #FleetingNotes #AffinePRO #Taskade #ClickUp #OmniFocus #CraftDocs #Reflect #XTiles #Joplin #Loom #Notion #OmniOutliner #TickTick #Acreom #Zettlr #Zettelkasten #Bear #DraftsApp #Scrivener #DevonThink #Typora #COMSOL #Python
#awesomelogseq #logseq #obsidian #ObsidianMD #tana #pkm #pkms #anytype #memai #capacities #fleetingnotes #affinepro #taskade #clickup #omnifocus #craftdocs #reflect #xtiles #joplin #loom #Notion #omnioutliner #ticktick #acreom #zettlr #zettelkasten #bear #DraftsApp #scrivener #devonthink #typora #comsol #python
Neuer Blog-Artikel: "Icons für Raycast-Skripte erstellen" (Plus-Artikel) - https://jasinski.info/2023/06/20/icons-fuer-raycast-skripte-erstellen/?ycfms=MD
Wir haben im Blog schon ein paar Skripte für den #Raycast-Launcher erstellt, z.B., um die #OmniFocus-Inbox zu befüllen. Heute schauen wir uns an, wie man seinen Raycast-Skripten ein passendes Icon im Stil der übrigen Befehle verpassen kann.
@ricraftis @dd101 @eleanorkonik I'm right here with y'all! I also love using #HintsAI Assistant from https://hints.so/ to add quick notes on the go to #Obsidian #Notion and #ClickUp . #FleetingNotes has similar functionality for #ObsidianMD
I love this space and being able to discuss #PKMS
#CraftDocs #Tana #XTiles #Joplin
#OmniOutliner #DEVONThink all have my attention.
#hintsai #obsidian #Notion #clickup #fleetingnotes #ObsidianMD #pkms #logseq #craftdocs #tana #xtiles #joplin #taskade #anytype #memai #capacities #affinepro #acreom #omnifocus #omnioutliner #devonthink
Dare I say I have found my tribe here in #PKMSocial ? I am going to spend a lot of time combing through the #local #PKMSocial feed and doing lots of bookmarking. Yay! 😍 :ablobwave: Words cannot describe how much I have fallen into learning these apps and methodologies.
#PKM #PKMS #LogSeq #Obsidian #Joplin #OmniFocus #Capacities #ClickUp #TickTick #FleetingNotes #Tana #Anytype #Notion #Taskade #MemAI #Zettlr #xTiles #CraftDocs #MakeMD #Zettelkasten #GTD #ZTD #JohnnyDecimal #PARA #SecondBrain
#PKMsocial #local #pkm #pkms #logseq #obsidian #joplin #omnifocus #capacities #clickup #ticktick #fleetingnotes #tana #anytype #Notion #taskade #memai #zettlr #xtiles #craftdocs #makemd #zettelkasten #gtd #ztd #johnnydecimal #para #secondbrain
@emory I also have Shortcuts built to append full note links from #Obsidian to #OmniFocus which has been another helpful workflow linking the two together.
@emory I’ve been using the Send Tasks to OmniFocus lately, which has been nice to capture tasks captured in meeting notes and planning into #OmniFocus quickly. Am planning on reaching out to the dev for one thing about it though, but give it a look if you use the two together.
Have thought about building an export/daily logger for OF to #Obsidian but at the end of the day, enough gets captured in my daily note anyway that it hasn’t been necessary.
earlier toots about #GTD have reminded me that i have five or six inboxes and tasks collecting in all of them.
astounded by the volume of workflows and automation available in #OmniFocus these days though! #keanuWhoa
i have the #tasks #Obsidian plugin and rolling daily notes yadda yadda but i'm not really happy with it. it doesn't inspire confidence. i like the idea of my #PKM platform knowing what i'm doing but it's probably best done by exporting completed tasks into Obsidian vaults.
#GTD #omnifocus #keanuwhoa #tasks #obsidian #PKM
Managing your day with #OmniFocus 👇📆
@jay I use #OmniFocus for all my project to-dos (and limited note taking, idea capture). Otherwise I try to keep everything related to a project in a single folder, even if it means duplicating files on my hard drives. Oh, and a dedicated physical notebook for each project
Neuer Blog-Artikel: "Video: OmniFocus-Inbox via Raycast befüllen" (Premium-Inhalt) - https://jasinski.info/2023/04/14/video-omnifocus-raycast/?ycfms=MD
Raycast ist ein Launcher vergleichbar mit Alfred, LaunchBar oder das Bordmittel Spotlight. Ich teste die App gerade als mögliche Alternative. Vieles gefällt, aber ich habe schnell eine Anbindung an #OmniFocus, meiner Aufgabenverwaltung, vermisst…
Damit allen ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende!
@jacqui I suffer from something very similar... likely as a result of a work environment where things randomly light on fire regardless of my actions. In the rare times of non-fire, I can have difficulty picking among the many things that need to get done "at some point™". I've found that tools that help me quickly jot-down things that I need to do (e.g., GTD apps like #OmniFocus, #TaskWarrior, or #GettingThingsGnome), and the satisfaction of checking things off the list helps a lot.
#gettingthingsgnome #taskwarrior #omnifocus