@spinningthoughts I'd like to vote for all three at your convenience please.
I am a big fan of one time purchase software like @scrivenerapp
I think they can serve the #PKM community well for applicable uses.
There are also #obsidian
#Omnifocus4 integrations worth exploring.
Anything that helps get from research notes to published deliverables/content is a win.
#scrivener #omnifocus #omnioutliner #pkm #obsidian #ObsidianMD #omnifocus4
I've been using the #Omnifocus4 TestFlight build and the 2-week #OmnifocusWeb trial this weekend. I have to say I like the updates, despite having to 'relearn' which buttons to press. (Been a returning user on and off since 2013 & iOS 6).
My problem: I can't install #Omnifocus on my work PC, *AND* I can buy a year's #TodoistPro subscription for less than Omnifocus web alone. And I need to factor in the cost of the iOS software upgrade.
So I've been running both free services in parallel. 😱
#omnifocus4 #omnifocusweb #omnifocus #todoistpro