Spotted on the Wells High hill in Hillsdale, nature is healing etc. I took a picture of this bike with my phone but software is all a lie so it's still from the video #BikeTooter I think it's #omnium #cargoBikes? Is that a chair? I don't think I saw a motor but what's happening on that seat tube? #eBikes?
#BikeTooter #omnium #cargobikes #ebikes
Mais ce pied, mes amiexs, ce pied ! C'est Noël en plein mois de juin ! #rohloff #omnium #biketooter
Le #rohloff est présent 🤩
Bon, il me manque encore une gaine et un câble, mais mercredi, ça roule ! 🙆🚲🚀 #omnium #biketooter
Espectacular 🥰 Completamente rendido ao extender bar da Omnium, um pequeno acessório que aumenta consideravelmente capacidade de carga e que recolhe quando não for preciso. Assim tenho o espaço do rack livre para transportar crianças ou um adulto
#cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #portugal #lisboa #ebike #omniumcargo #omnium
#cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #portugal #lisboa #ebike #omniumcargo #omnium
Réalisé par Pierre Desarmenien, ce #vélocargo #Omnium "solaire" participera cet été au #SunTrip sur 3 étapes auvergnates du #TourdeFrance.
Il s'agit d'un rassemblement de #vélos autosuffisants
#velocargo #omnium #suntrip #tourdefrance #velos #velo
Habe am Wochenende wieder ein #Omnium gesehen. aktuell irgendwie das coolste Lastenrad in meinen Augen. Sogar Kindertransport scheint damit zu gehen. Sollte es vielleicht mal ausprobieren 🤔
Cool : j'ai un siège ultra-confortable sur mon vélo. 😀
Pas cool : je ne peux pas m'asseoir dessus. 😩
#omnium #biketooter
fa dies que passa arreu, si no t'agrada et diuen directament que te'n vages; quo vadis #omnium ? de defensors de la llengua i cultura catalanes a una altra cosa... com més aviat els socis en pleguen i els deixen sols serà millor per al país
Tão fofos 🥰
Tenho de pedir aquele backrest p a minha
#omnium #omniumcargo #cargobikerevolution #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #vaidebicla #mastobikes #bike
#omnium #omniumcargo #cargobikerevolution #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #vaidebicla #mastobikes #bike
So excited that I've actually just ordered my #CargoBike! I've gone for an #Omnium MiniMax WiFi V3. It's like the Omnium Cargo but it's slightly shorter because I need to lift it onto a boat.
This has been absolutely years wishing for a cargo bike like this and it's finally happening! 💜
The colour is "blurple" which is a metallic blue/purple which changes colour as you move. I've ordered a front wheel dynamo with it too!
(Photos from
Decided on an #Omnium MiniMax WiFi V3 cargo bike. Just getting the quote for the order but I'm hoping to be a cargo bike rider soon!
I can't wait! It's going to change my life. At the moment I have public transport or a regular bike and it's hard to get a lot of shopping or take my dog on longer distances. This way we can cycle to a nice spot to walk and he's going to love it!
I've lusted after a #CargoBike for literally years so I'm very excited!
Didn't sell the bullitt at CIBA, but the show discount is good until the end of the month!
Use HIGHFIVE at checkout to take an additional $250 off:
Or don't, and we can keep getting our groceries with it. ;)
#brb #bullitt #omnium #larryvsharry #cargobike #cargobikes #bike #bikes #cycling #Hoosier #Indiana #HoosierMast #Indy #indianapolis #independent #local #retail
#brb #bullitt #omnium #larryvsharry #cargobike #cargobikes #bike #bikes #cycling #hoosier #indiana #hoosiermast #indy #indianapolis #independent #local #retail
🗓 Diumenge 12 de febrer 2023
⏰ de 12 a 14 h
📍 Punt #Òmnium - #Vilafranca
(Rambla St. Francesc)
#omniumcargo #omnium #bike #bicicleta #cargobike #cargobikelife #mastobikes
#omniumcargo #omnium #bike #bicicleta #cargobike #cargobikelife #mastobikes
Ontem houve um test ride diferente do habitual 🥰
#omniumcargo #omnium #omniumminimax #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #portugal #dogs #cao #caes
#omniumcargo #omnium #omniumminimax #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #portugal #dogs #cao #caes
Chupa banco de trás
🚲 Omnium Cargo
#omnium #omniumcargo #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #vaidebicla #bebe #baby
#omnium #omniumcargo #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #vaidebicla #bebe #baby
Com a greve de profs. hoje é p explorar cenas 😋
#omniumcargo #omnium #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #portugal #vaidebicla
#omniumcargo #omnium #cargobike #cargobikelife #bicicleta #portugal #vaidebicla