#GrasUndSteine heute Thai - Curry Suppe mit Broccoli, Bambus, Kokosmilch und Reis.
Zitronengras, Kurkuma, Knoblauchzehen, Schalotten, Koriandersamen, Kreuzkümmel, Pfefferkörner, Ingwer, Cilli, vegane Fischsauce, Sojasauce, helles Miso. #Omnom #vegan #veganforlife #veganfortheanimals 🌱❤️
#veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #vegan #omnom #GrasUndSteine
Cookie Monster 🍪. This was #3dprinted on a #Prusamini and then airbrushed and handpainted. COOKIEesss YuM YuM OmNomNom #omnom #cookies #sesamestreet #cookiemonster #airbrush #painting #miniture #figurine #art #timelapse
#3dprinted #prusamini #omnom #cookies #sesamestreet #cookiemonster #airbrush #painting #miniture #figurine #art #timelapse
#Omnom Endlich Wochenende🙂 \o/🫶🌱 #vegan #äthiopisch #veganforlife #veganfood #veganfortheanimals
#veganfortheanimals #veganfood #veganforlife #athiopisch #vegan #omnom
Why is watermelon just so damn delicious? It's one of the things I like about summer. I'm looking forward to the in-season ones once it's that time of year.
#wolfywednesday #watermelon #wolf #omnom
@SmallTownGirl We’ve run out (at last) of Christmas leftovers. Thank goodness for ham for New Year’s tomorrow. #LeftoversForDays #EasyFoodPrep #OmNom
#leftoversfordays #easyfoodprep #omnom
I have made a gumbo! I know it’s still a little light in color but that’s because I had to use gluten free flour. It’s still really good and with the classic creole flavors #omnom
Heute gab's eins meiner Lieblingsessen.
Gebratene Grüne Bohnen mit Bohnenkraut, vieeeel Pfeffer und frischem Knoblauch.
Dazu Paprika-Kartoffeln aus der Heißluftfriteuse, veganer Schafskäse und Ajvar. #omnom #Vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfood @vegan
#omnom #vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfood