Greek police harassing and bullying person possible(?) of foreign origin with walking stick in 2019 Athens. Full video on documento's youtube cannel. A lawyer protesting was himsel arrested afterwards. #corruption #omonoiasquare #greekpolice #acab #POLICEBRUTALITY #athens #remove_hellenic_police account from mastodon
@ARG @
#corruption #omonoiasquare #GreekPolice #acab #policebrutality #athens #remove_hellenic_police
Greek police (the most central department, Omonoia Square police athens ) harasses a single person on a walking stick aid with water fusse after dragging that person forcily out of the department #athens #policebrutality #omonoiasquare #antireport PLEASE SHARE
#athens #policebrutality #omonoiasquare #antireport