Subscribe for free to get our more comprehensive Weekly Brief in your mailbox every Wednesday morning. This week: #ONA23 recap and a busy calendar ahead.
Subscribe for free to get our more comprehensive Weekly Brief in your mailbox every Wednesday morning. This week: #ONA23 recap and a busy calendar ahead.
Subscribe for free to get our more comprehensive Weekly Brief in your mailbox every Wednesday morning. This week: #ONA23 recap and a busy calendar ahead.
My favorite use case for #Patreon is sharing notes from a conference that my readers there helped pay for, in this case #ONA23.
#ONA23 traffic advisory: There is a very large nude/mostly nude bike ride proceeding west on Market Street. Expect congestion.
Reflections on #ONA23, and on the relationship between technology and newsrooms overall.
Useful #freelancing tip from my pal Katherine Lewis at an #ONA23 panel on that topic: If a contract contains a one-way indemnification clause, where you commit to defend the client in court if they get sued (as if you have pockets half as deep as the client), ask that it be two-way, where the client also commits to defend you if you get sued for your work for them.
This conversation with @merbroussard is relevant to anyone thinking about adopting #AI - and in particular everyone at #ona #ona23.
Curator from a tech company on whether to be worried about AI in the near term: “If anyone had spent any time with a machine learning team, they would not be worried” (after seeing how much they struggle) #ona23
It’s going to be a very tired and grumpy bunch of journalists today at #ona23, after a 6am fire alarm at the convention hotel
Old advice about Twitter security--check the apps connected to your account--paid off in a hands-on session at #ONA23 because it reminded that I had granted read/write access to Twitter's now-deprecated Revue newsletter app.
Shouldn't Twitter have removed that app already? And if the app still lives somewhere, how have hackers not already targeted it to take over random accounts?
The DEI panel at #ona23 is really notable. Powerful speakers talking with depth and nuance about the lack of gains made on inclusion in the newsroom, which is an existentially important prerequisite to covering the current moment - to a mostly empty room. Folks are out finding out about AI instead.
So @TheConversationUS literally defines the word "republish", according to Merriam-Webster.
If you're at #ONA23 and want to learn more about great content for republication under @creativecommons, find me or @katrinapnw!
#ONA23 gastronomic reminder: You're going to have a hard time getting a better lunch than at the Reading Terminal Market just outside the hotel.
Good advice on strategies to counter news avoidance, from the NYTimes: building a habit, telling people how to think about the news #ona23
The #dreamingeye of Experimenting with Emerging Media Platforms has landed in Philadelphia. Now networking at #ONA23 with Newhouse alum and BusinessInsider journalist Amanda Paule who also appears in its pages.
Takeaway from the opening #ONA23 keynote on AI and journalism: "Automating the mundane is a really great place to start," per Dalia Hashim of the Partnership on AI. Echoed by Microsoft design VP Liz Danzico: "Try to take a moment and imagine the thing that takes you the longest amount of time for the least return." I read that as letting AI transcribe interviews--and especially the most corpspeak-laden ones.
A moment of silence in the opening #ONA23 talks for Mandy Jenkins, whom cancer stole from us last winter and who I'm sure would have thoroughly enjoyed using this platform (or maybe Bluesky) to roast Elon Musk, Alden Global Capital and other villains of journalism. This event isn't the same without my friend.
Alden running its standard playbook of wanton newsroom destruction for short-term financial gain leaves an opportunity for a community-funded nonprofit (70% funded by 3,700 local donors) like Voice of San Diego to step up. But finances are too tight for growth, Scott says: "When I look at my growth projections, I'm not going to be able to add capacity at this level of growth for years." He estimates that $9 million would let them grow to take on the U-T's old role, if you have it handy. #ONA23