This episode of #OnBeingWithKristaTippett is an instant classic. In the midst of the “high conflict” everywhere in my communities, I’m haunted by the knowledge that there are people of genuine good will on that other side too. @amandaripley teaches about taking that seriously without dodging the conflict or ignoring the stakes.
#RobinWallKimmerer is a #Bryologist & enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation.
She writes books joining new scientific & ancient indigenous knowledge including #GatheringMoss & #BraidingSweetGrass.
Listen her podcast & learn about moss, science, beauty, broader notions of sustainability, & the secret to happiness!
#Mosstodon #Nature #NaturePhotography #OnBeingWithKristaTippett #RhodyGargen
#RobinWallKimmerer #bryologist #gatheringmoss #BraidingSweetgrass #Mosstodon #nature #naturephotography #onbeingwithkristatippett #rhodygargen