Tunnista, miten sinua manipuloidaan!
Paskapuheesta päänsotkemiseen – tunnista kuinka sinua manipuloidaan,
Aku Visala, Areiopagi, 5.9.2023
#disinformaatio #totuudenjalkeinenaika #valehtelu #paansekoittaminen #paskapuhe #onbullshit #mindfucking
ただ、 友達はまだProprietaryなOSを使っている。 lideshowを活かすために、 どうやってコマンドラインから使えるか調べないと。DrRacketからはフール画面以外の方法が分からない。
$ slideshow --right-half-screen Takahahshi-slides.rkt をしたいけど、Windowsは面倒臭い~。 まぁフリーソフトを普及するためにしばらく我慢するしかない。皮肉的あことが多いですね。 ビジネスのBullshit(ウンコな議論)に使うPowerPointを使わなくていいように教えるためにWindowsを使わないといけない。 派手な見せかけBullshitを避けるために、 テレビのみのもんたから名前を取ったメソッドを使うかもしれない。 酷い世の中です。
#ラケットラング、 #スライドショー と違うけど、 Pollen docsのインストール説明にウィンドゥズの扱いかたも載っています。
#OnBullshit #PowerPoint #パワポイント #ウンコな議論
^1 https://docs.racket-lang.org/pollen/Installation.html#%28part._.How_to_install%29
#ウンコな議論 #パワポイント #powerpoint #onbullshit #スライドショー #ラケットラング
> .. ChatGPT is, in technical terms, a 'bullshit generator'. If a generated sentence makes sense to you, the reader, it means the mathematical model has made sufficiently good guess to pass your sense-making filter. The language model has no idea what it's talking about because it has no idea about anything at all. It's more of a bullshitter than the most egregious egoist you'll ever meet.. https://www.danmcquillan.org/chatgpt.html
/HT @danmcquillan
#OnBullshit #MachineGeneratedText #ChatGPT #AI
#ai #chatgpt #MachineGeneratedText #onbullshit
> OUTRIGHT FAKERY IS CLEARLY more common in.. sciences than we’d like to believe. But it may not be the biggest threat to their credibility... #MichaelKinsley once said of wrongdoing in Washington, so too in the lab: “The scandal is what’s legal.” The kind of manipulation that went into the “When I’m Sixty-Four” paper, for instance, is “nearly universally common,” #Simonsohn says. It is called “p-hacking,” or, more colorfully, “torturing the data until it confesses.”
#PHacking #OnBullshit?
#onbullshit #phacking #Simonsohn #MichaelKinsley
> There's something uncanny and compelling about these randomly generated nothing statements. They feel substantive at first.. "I wondered if people actually thought these were profound," #Pennycook tells me.. the average participant rated the gibberish as being between "somewhat profound" and "fairly profound." (Responses to these fake tweets were nearly indistinguishable from the responses to #Chopra's real tweets).
#ChatGPT? #BrianResnick #GordPennycock #OnBullshit
#onbullshit #GordPennycock #BrianResnick #chatgpt #Chopra #Pennycook
> However studiously and conscientiously the bullshitter proceeds, it remains true that he is also trying to get away with something.
#HarryFrankfurt's #OnBullshit with
#JoePierre of #Psychology
> Unlike pseudoprofound bullshit, political bullshit isn’t designed to sound profound so much as it’s deliberately crafted as accessible if vague rhetoric to be used in speeches or off-the-cuff press conference remarks in the service of evading a more nuanced discussion of complex topics.
#chatgpt #psychology #JoePierre #onbullshit #harryfrankfurt
> #Marketing prevails over #engineering
> Even though its roots go back to the 1970's, the #Windows NT product line is a big improvement over Microsoft's DOS-based products. Unfortunately that doesn't automatically mean that it's a well-designed operating system.
Hearing of #OnBullshit, and the difference between #Bullshit and #Lies, gave me a coherent framework to help understand business success...
/HT @lightweight
#lies #bullshit #onbullshit #windows #engineering #marketing
> #哲学者 の ハリー・フランクファートは『#ウンコな議論』のなかで、#ブルシット と #嘘つき を区別した。嘘つきは、真実を知っていながら偽って伝える人だ。#ブルシッター は、何が真実かなどどうでもいい人だ。
> たとえば、2018年、アメリカのドナルド・トランプ大統領はカナダのジャスティン・トルドー首相に、アメリカはカナダに対して貿易赤字があると誤って発言したが、その後、赤字があるかどうかなど見当もついていなかったと認めたのだ...
> このブルシットと嘘つきの違いを理解することが肝心だ。#嘘 は真実を暴露すれば明らかにできる。だが、#職場でのブルシット に効果的に対処するのは、もっとややこしい話なのだ。
#ハリーフランクファート #HarryFranfurt #OnBullshit
「真実、真実、 真実だけ頭を埀る」 長渕剛 RUN ??
#onbullshit #HarryFranfurt #ハリーフランクファート #職場でのブルシット #嘘 #ブルシッター #嘘つき #ブルシット #ウンコな議論 #哲学者
Maybe the On Bullshit guy tied his distinctions between bullshitters and liars to totalitarian techniques? Or advertising? or maybe pulled them together somehow? The rest of the Hannah Arendt's paragraph makes me think of the "whatever the market will bear" business guys as if MBA's a trained revere psychopathic acts to serve corporations. I'm painting myself into a corner where I have to find out more about #OnBullshit now. And to think the big-name philosophers used to write _On Liberty_...
> A Bush aide (later identified as key adviser #KarlRove)... disparaged #EvidenceBasedReality, though in his case by favoring facts created not through faith but power. As he so resonantly explained to those stuck “in what we call the #RealityBasedCommunity”:
'... We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality... We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'
#TomDispatch #RebeccaGordan #BushJunior #OnBullshit?
#onbullshit #BushJunior #RebeccaGordan #TomDispatch #RealityBasedCommunity #EvidenceBasedReality #karlrove
"Among the media class’s artisanal industries of the past few years has been trying to find a thread that runs through Johnson the journalist, the globalist mayor of London & the Brexit prime minister. Frankfurt furnishes that link: it is bullshit.
Bullshit is where newspaper stories about Italians demanding smaller condoms meet plans for an airport on an island in the Thames meet promises of an “oven-ready” Brexit deal"
#OnBullshit #HarryFrankfurt #BorisJohnson #Trump
#Trump #borisjohnson #harryfrankfurt #onbullshit
"Among the media class’s artisanal industries of the past few years has been trying to find a thread that runs through Johnson the journalist, the globalist mayor of London & the Brexit prime minister. Frankfurt furnishes that link: it is bullshit.
Bullshit is where newspaper stories about Italians demanding smaller condoms meet plans for an airport on an island in the Thames meet promises of an “oven-ready” Brexit deal"
#OnBullshit #HarryFrankfurt #BorisJohnson #Trump
#Trump #borisjohnson #harryfrankfurt #onbullshit
“It is impossible for somebody to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction.” ~ Harry Frankfurt, “On Bullshit” #onbullshit #thescience