“He spelled the name out twice, and tapped his teeth. Gawaine. ‘I suppose,’ he said out loud, doubtfully, ‘they would have pronounced it Cuchullain in the North? You can’t tell with ancient languages.’” —T H White, The Once and Future King
While there certainly are similarities, I don’t think there are actually any direct connections between the two. But I’m not a scholar.
#cuchulainn #onceandfutureking #gawain #arthuriana
I have been slow finishing the last part of the Once and Future King. The third part I read quickly, it was interesting to see his take on Lancelot. More than that, it was still fun.
But Mordred and the death of Arthur isn’t fun. It’s an inevitable conclusion to the tragedy, but it isn’t fun.
I definitely prefer the earlier parts of Arthurian legend. The parts that are primarily pagan myths hidden in Christian legends.
#Arthuriana #OnceAndFutureKing #LeMorteDArthur #EnglishLit #Literature
#literature #EnglishLit #lemortedarthur #onceandfutureking #arthuriana
I’ve been enjoying The Once and Future King, but I could have done without Sir Gawain and the bad Scottish accent.
#gawain #onceandfutureking #arthuriana
“The modern world is apt to forget that several people were Christians in the remote past, and in Lancelot’s time there were no Protestants—except John Scotus Erigena.” —T. H. White, The Once and Future King.
This makes me want to read some medieval Irish philosophy.
#Irish #Philosophy #Medieval #THWhite #OnceAndFutureKing #JohnScotusEriugena
#irish #philosophy #medieval #thwhite #onceandfutureking #johnscotuseriugena
At long last I have finished reading Le Morte D’Arthur. I’m certain I will have more thoughts later, but I highly recommend the Norton Critical Edition or any other version you can find that preserves the original Middle English and is based on the Winchester manuscript.
While the language was more challenging, I felt it flowed more naturally.
Next up, The Once and Future King.
#Arthuriana #MiddleEnglish #Literature #LeMorteDArthur #OnceAndFutureKing #Medieval
#medieval #onceandfutureking #lemortedarthur #literature #middleenglish #arthuriana